Chapter 14: If you love him...

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Chapter 14

~Adrian’s POV~

I straightened up in bed, sliding the blanket off my legs when he entered the room. He was ringing his hands in front of him which told me he was nervous but he walked right in and came to a stop in the centre of the room.

“It’s okay you don’t have to get up.” He said when he saw that I was swinging my legs to the floor but I ignored his words and pushed up off the bed.

No way was I going to lay there looking weak and vulnerable in his presence.

I walked over to the only window in the room and stood there, observing him. His face was flushed and he licked his lips then cleared his throat yet said nothing.

“Ah…” Scottie began, looking between us as we stood silently. “I think I’ll go for a walk.” He said pushing up quickly from his chair and looking between us once again before exiting the room and pulling the door closed behind him.

There was silence as I continued to observe him, waiting for him to speak but he only looked around the room as if he had never seen the place before and I grew impatient.

“Is there something you wanted or did you just come to familiarize yourself with my room?” I questioned impertinently then watched as a blush spread across his cheeks and he bit his lip.

“Well I…” he began but I cut him off before he could continue.

“Let me guess, you want an apology for earlier? Or have you come to get rid of me?” I asked with a smile that didn’t reflect my emotions in the slightest.

“Actually I came to apologize.” He said finally, straightening up as if preparing to do battle.

My brows furrowed and I was sure I looked as confused as I felt. “Apologize?”

“Yeah, Carson overreacted, he shouldn’t have hurt you the way he did, I’m sorry.” He said, looking sincere and I bristled.

It’s as if he was implying I was some weakling who couldn’t take a hit from a little wolf. It annoyed me and I found myself glaring over at him as I spoke.

“Don’t think for a second that your boyfriend’s little stunt out there had much effect on me. I could have taken him if I’d actually put out the effort.” I lied but the boy only raised an eyebrow, looking completely amused; The little bastard.

“So you’re saying you let him break your ribs and punch your face in because you didn’t feel like putting out the effort?” Laken asked, a grin now plastered on his smug little face and I turned to him, my hands forming fists at my sides.

“Are you done? Did your Alpha send you to gloat then, Is that what this is?” I asked, my voice barely contained and the smile fell from the boy’s face. He raised his hands, palms up as if trying to calm me.

“No not at all, he’d kill me if he knew I was here actually.” He said then sighed, his hands falling to his sides as he looked at me seriously.

“I wanted to let you know that I get that he’s yours and despite what you might think, I’m not trying to move in on your territory.” He finished, looking me in the eyes with such sincerity I turned to look out the window and into the street below.

It wouldn’t take a genius to know that he was talking about Lucas but I wasn’t in the mood to hear it. “Anything else?” I asked gruffly making it clear as day that I couldn’t care less about anything he had to say to me but the kid didn’t take the hint.

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