Chapter 28: Blood comes first

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Chapter 28

“This has gone too far Victoria. That child isn’t that much older than our own.” I told her as soon as I walked into the room. It took me a second to realize she wasn’t alone and I clenched my teeth to prevent myself from letting out the string of profanity I had bottled up when I saw Jessop.

The guy had the ability to get on my every nerve without even opening his mouth.

“Get out I need to talk to my mate.” I told him and when he didn’t budge, but instead had to nerve to stand there smirking at me I looked at Victoria; annoyed.

She sighed dramatically as expected before turning to Jessop. He promptly exited when she tilted her head towards to door.

“I can’t keep that little girl in there. We don’t even know what the guy’s capable of.” I started. “I get that you want to get back at Carson for what he did to Victor but kidnapping an innocent child was never a part of the plan.” I said firmly.

I’d felt like the worst kind of monster dragging that child into the cage with the Corsetti twin. Victoria’s drive for vengeance was getting out of hand and now I wasn’t so sure I wanted to be a part of it anymore.

“You worry too much Neil. We needed another hostage. They might not come for Corsetti and kidnapping a member of Carson’s pack is a sure way to get him here. It’s unfortunate they nabbed a kid but that’s just how it is in war. There are always casualties.” She explained as she applied her makeup in the large mirror.

Gone was the gentle spirited girl I’d fallen in love with.This twisted creature standing before me was someone I didn’t know and if I hadn’t been bound to her completely I’d have left with our child before it got to this point.

“You don’t know Carson like I do Vicky…he’ll tear this place up to get to us. Nobody messes with his pack.” I warned.

Victoria walked over to me, hips swaying with each step and a sweet smile plastered onto her beautiful face.

“I’m not afraid of Carson. Jessop told us everything we need to know about him. I know how he thinks, what he’s most afraid of and what he’ll do next. We’ll be fine.”

“Jessop betrayed his own pack, what makes you so sure he won’t do the same with us?” my voice had risen and the smile fell from her face.

“You may be my mate but you’re talking to your Alpha. Don’t you dare raise your voice at me!” She shrieked and I could just imagine the smirk on Jessop’s face as he stood outside the door.

I made quick with my apology even if I did so grudgingly and she was immediately appeased.

“Go separate the girl then if you want to…maybe it’s better not to have both prisoners in the same cage anyway.”

I was just beginning to think she actually cared for the little girl’s safety when she said, “Separating them will make it harder for Carson to find if by some miracle they manage to make it this far.”

I turned to go right then, refusing to offer a comment. When I passed Jessop out in the hall he looked me up and down insolently before heading back to Victoria’s study.

I slowly made my way down to the cell holdings, my mind racing with thoughts I shouldn’t be having and unmade decisions that would be risky to make.

The way I saw it; I had two choices; take my little girl and run; taking her away from the life her mother was about to ruin or stay and allow Victoria to make the biggest mistake of her life.

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