Chapter 5: It's in your heart if not in your mind..

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Chapter 5

~Lucas’s POV~

“Come on let’s get you to bed.” Adrian told his companion with a laugh and I bristled. He still hadn’t realized I was there and I debated whether I should make myself known or just get the hell out of there.

To say I was shocked was an understatement but I suppose it was ridiculous for me to be. After the way I had treated him what did I really expect? hugs and kisses? No he’d gone and gotten himself a little fuck buddy. I had no right being angry, yet I was.

My eyes blazed as I watched the two together, stumbling further into the room, hands all over each other. As I continued to watch the scene my hands clenched into fists at my sides and I gritted my teeth. Yes I’d hurt him but it certainly didn’t take him long to get over me huh?

I turned and grabbed my jacket off the kitchen stool and the keys jerked around inside the pocket causing Adrian’s head to snap up in my direction. I watched as his eyes widened and a split second later, his face broke out into a smile.

I took a breath. So that’s how it would be huh? He wanted to get back at me and was now flaunting his latest prize in my face? Well I certainly wasn’t going stand around and watch. I focused my eyes on the door at the front of the room, not even bothering to glance his way as I moved past him.

“Lucas? wait, where are you going?” Adrian questioned as I crossed the room and I shook my head. He was certainly milking the situation for all it was worth that was for sure and I had to say it hurt.

I felt the pain of what I couldn’t even call his betrayal working its way around my heart. It surprised me because while I knew that I cared deeply for Adrian it had never come to the point where I was ever hurt by anything he had done, jealousy had also never even been an issue for me and now I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I imagined what they would be doing once I left his home.

 A year ago I would have probably stayed and had it out with him, curse, shout, maybe even go as far as break off the relationship but I suppose the whole Laken situation had cured that for me. I’d been hurt before and I still wasn’t exactly sure I had recovered from that one so rather than stay and fight for something that was clearly over now and to save myself future pain and heartache I decided it was just best to walk away.

I felt absolutely retched but I held my head high as I made my way to the door, pulling together all the dignity I could muster.  I couldn’t understand the feeling though, how could my heart feel like it was breaking all over again when I was almost certain that all I felt for Adrian had yet to even amount to love? I couldn’t understand it and I swallowed hard and took a deep breath trying desperately to ease the pain that had settled in the region of my heart.


~Adrian’s POV~

The last person I had expected to see standing in my kitchen this late at night was Lucas and that was only because he never came over without first giving me a heads up. So when I heard the rattling of what could only be keys knocking against each other my eyes widened in surprise as my head snapped up to meet Lucas’s gaze.

A smile blossomed on my face at the sight of him standing there and I shifted my arm around James, holding him firmly lest he fall over, but before I could even greet him like I’d planned he grabbed his jacket off a nearby stool and I watched as he proceeded to walk past me, his head held straight and his gaze fixed on a spot behind me as he went.

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