Chapter 21: Just a hot mess

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Chapter 21

~Adrian’s POV~

“Seven weeks, Seven fucking weeks and you have nothing to show for it.”  I said dropping the file on the desk in disgust. The man standing before me shifted uncomfortably on the spot.

“Sir with all due respect, we’re doing everything we can. This guy doesn’t want to be found and he’s doing a good job of it but it’s only a matter of time before he comes up for air and when he does we’ll take care of it.” He assured me and I clenched my fists to prevent myself from reaching over to strangle to useless prick before me. This was the same bullshit they’d been spouting for weeks and I was more than sick of it.

“This man shot my brother with the intent to kill and you have yet to prove to me that you aren’t as inept as you look. Get out.” I said, turning away from him.

“Sir I assure you we will-“

“I said get out.” I said firmly this time and without another word he turned and pushed through the door of my study.

“Calm down Adrian, he can’t hide forever.” Marcus said from his perch on my couch.

“You were shot and it’s like you don’t even care.”

“Well forgive me if I’m not particularly in the mood for your revenge schemes right now.” He said cheekily and I shook my head, moving so that I was standing before the only window in the room to overlook the city below.

“We have more than half our guys on this, you know what I think?” he asked and I inclined my head slightly in his direction.

“I think you’re just so wound up over your break up that you’re using this revenge plot as a distraction.” He said and I actually rolled my eyes.

“You’re the one who’s hearing voices and I’m the one getting psychologically evaluated?” I questioned in a bored tone and he sighed.

“We’ve got competent people on this, all I’m asking is that you focus on what’s important here; that being the operation.” He said seriously, his tone businesslike.

“I’ll do both.” I finished and when he opened his mouth to argue I held up a hand to stop him. This particular line of conversation was going nowhere and I had important things to attend to.

Just as I was about to plop myself around my work desk, the phone rang and Marcus moved to answer it. I watched him as he greeted the person on the other line and when he turned to me and put it on speaker I was no longer in the dark. Scottie’s voice came through loud and clear and teeming with excitement.

“Okay Scottie, we’re both here.” Marcus said and after his excited greetings died down he got into the matter at hand.

“Guess what?” he asked and I looked at Marcus who shrugged.

“I don’t know Scottie, what?” I said in a bored tone and I could picture the huge smile on his face because of whatever exciting surprise he had to tell us.

“Grady and Thomas are doing the mating ceremony next weekend and so are we! We’ll be the first to attempt a double ceremony and I want you both to be there.” He finished on a high and shook my head.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit too early for that? You just met the girl.” Marcus said, his tone disapproving and after a brief pause Scottie spoke again, the excitement in his voice had dimmed a little.

“I met her two months ago Marc and besides we’re mates it doesn’t work like everybody else, we won’t ever get tired of each other and we’re in love so why not?” it was a rhetorical question and Marcus opened his mouth then snapped it shut. I assumed that was because he was just about tired of arguing with Scottie over the matter.

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