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I had less than ten seconds to get out of there, the path was clear, and None of I knew or any cameras were in sight. I prepared myself for a speed walk out of the door. "Hey, Malena where are you going?" I'm doomed,I tried holding my shit together as I turned towards Alex. "Hm?" He  frowned. "A date" I grinned between my teeth. "WHAT?" "Alex,I'm grown ass women. I met a boy and I'm going on a date with him, it's not that much of a deal" "WHO?" "None of your business." "Oh lord please" he scrunched his temple. "Alex" I placed my hands on my hips, right foot gently patting against the marble floor. "Just don't  hurt yourself,ok?" "I won't. I promise he's a great guy." Alex smiled through the pain. "I'll be okay with anyone as long as he treats you right and not related to formula one, I don't want you repeating your mistakes." My body suddenly felt like it was burning against my dress. A pool of guilt surrounded me, giving me a feeling similar to drowning. I was betraying the one and only man who's been by my side since day one. "Alex, I promise this time it's different." "I hope so, you've made a lot of promises now Lexus, don't break them." He pulled me up into a tight hug before heading out of the lobby. 

Charles picked me up a few blocks away from the hotel. The whole ride, Alex's words spiralled around my head rubbing the guilt all over my face. "You alright mama?" I finally turned to Charles for the first time the whole ride. "Yeah, kind of" "Something is bothering you,tell me?" how could I? I knew Charles had been attracted to me since day one and right now I didn't want anything but Charles. "It's ok, just sad about having to leave tomorrow" I tried building up a smile. His hand linked with mine. "That's not it isn't it" his lips pressed against the back of my palm. I licked the inside of my mouth, pulling my eyes away from him. "I made a promise a while ago" Charles was allears. "I promised Alex that I wouldn't date anyone in the racing business again." "oh," his voice deepened. "Charles-, I promise you I didn't know what I was doing then, I was too scared of losing my cousin and the thing between Alexandra and you had fucked my head ." I could see that the brightness on Charles's face already disappeared. "But you, you made me realize what I want, what I desired for so long and now I'm regretting every second I ignored " Tears made my gaze blurry. His fingers tightened around mine. "And even though I would feel guilty for the rest of my life, I'm down to break the promises, I have a good feeling about this, us." it didn't take him seconds to lock his lips with mine. "Eyes on the road," I let out a chuckle as he pulled away. His eyes still didn't leave mine. "Do you really mean this?" "I do Charles, now that I got a taste of you there's no turning back." 


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Life with you | A Charles Leclerc love storyWhere stories live. Discover now