🌷One choice

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"Charles" I ran my hand through my half-asleep boyfriend's hair. "Yeah" His eyes twinkled. The room was deathly quiet. All the drivers left almost an hour ago leaving me and Charles the only ones standing. I continued to play with his hair, my head rested against his broad shoulder while a weighted blanket lay over our bodies. "I'll have to fly to Paris tomorrow" I mumbled. "Tomorrow?" His eyes shot open, eyebrows turning into a slight frown. "Yes, family stuff. I can't miss it, babe, I'm sorry." "Was this what that call was about?" "Yes" Charles sighed  drowning his face into his soft pillow. "I'm sorry Charles, I hope you can understand" "Babe, I do but" he stopped. "But what Charles?" "I'll come with you Malena, you are a doctor and you literally have experience with burns. We are going to be okay. I'll tell my manager to get the jet ready plus It can help me take my mind off the championship too" "Charles you are not going anywhere" the elation on his voice faded in seconds. "Malena please" "Charles the doctors aren't going to let you leave for at least a week, these burns are bad and I'm not risking anything" "Come on the worst that could happen is just some stupid scars" "Baby you are not going anywhere, this is a family event and I promise you I know how to tolerate them" "Malena I even hate the fact of you  being near that man" "Charles he's my dad, I don't have a choice and  I'll have Al- Bella" "right" his nostrils flared. "I have a really bad feeling about this Lexi" I did too but the only thing I could do his kiss was temple and smile back. 


Malena Fox in France 

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Malena Fox in France 


User 1: Sheesh left her boyfriend the moment he got injured 

User 2:  wasn't her boyfriend just in a massive accident?

User 3: it couple? 

User 4: running back to Daddy to find herself a new boyfriend 

User 5: she's going to date Lance next 

User 6: Charles get a new girl 

User 7: Slut with a capital S

User 8: such a bitch 

User 9: she claims to be a doctor right?

User 10: at least Alexandra didn't run away 


📲 Malena to dad

M: I'm at the Airport 

D: Alex will pick you up

M: he's in France?


"Malena" a fake smile appeared on my face as I turned to my pathetic cousin. "You? Weren't you in Dubai yesterday?" "I was but" "you had to come back to France because Mr. Fox rang you up?" He swallowed whatever he was planning  to say ,turning towards my bags. "Is this all?" "Yes and I don't need a bell boy to carry them around" I grabbed my two languages from his hands before walking away. Hearing Alex follow me with no hesitation brought me a cruel happiness. Paris was my home from day one. I lived one-third of my life in this city but still, it felt like I just landed in a country I've never stepped foot into. I was already dreading it here. Paris was never the problem, it was a gorgeous city I owned but my family made it a living hell for me. "Ms. Malena" The hard-core french accents of the paparazzi made this feeling much surreal. "Ms. Leclerc" A smile drew across my face but I bit my lip pushing it away. "Lexus" Alex grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him. "Let go of me" I hissed. "The paparazzi are getting too close to you" his grip tightened. "Since when do you care about me" I pulled my arm back. "Get in" His voice sharpened, opening the door to the parked black Audi. Alex finally released his grip once I was seated and buckled up. He gave me a warning with his eyes before slamming the door close.Tens and hundreds of cameras pressed against its tinted windows. My sunglasses helped me not get blinded by the flashlights. The sound of the trunk close was followed by the sound of a door open again. Alex sat down right next to me making my blood cripple. 

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