🌷Never the one

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When I got a text from Alex Albon, I was about to leave for the airport to catch my flight to Morenello. It was just 6.30am so I was still fighting battle fog with no coffee in my system.

Alex to Charles 📲
A: we need to talk
C: Good morning Albon
A: Now!
C: what?
A: I'm outside. Open the door.

And he was. I rubbed my eyes twice and blinked the shit out of them still not trusting my morning brain. "Yes Charles, it is me. Alex Albon. Know that guy?" "Alex what the hell are you doing here?" "can I come in?" he asked peeking in through the wide open door. "Yes," I stepped away he didn't waste his time standing outside. "Is Alexandra home?" he went straight to my coffee bar. "No why?" I was pretty confused right now. I watched him switch on the coffee maker before turning to me. "Charles, do you really "love her?" A chuckle jumped out of my mouth my hands flying to my waist. "WHAT?" I asked in shock. Alex raised an eyebrow as he leaned against the granite countertop arms wrapped in front of his chest. "Albon what the fuck are you doing here, I'm going to miss my flight. I have to be at the airport in twenty minutes." "Drink and answer my question" he handed me a shot of espresso which I drank in one gulp. "Bro I'm engaged" I snarled. "Yes, I know that but are you in love?" "Obviously Albon, now tell me why you are here without being a jerk." he scratched his head as he finally stood up straight. "Fuck, I Kew you were going to lie to yourself." "Alex I'm not kidding, I proposed to her. I bought her a ring. The day of our wedding is set" "BUT-" his finger pressed to my lips forcing me to shut up. "You still love Malena" I pushed his hand away before grabbing the shot he made for himself and gulping it away. "Alex your cousin is married and I see no point in this conversation." "Not anymore" he muttered under his breath. "For god's sake what?" "Yes Charles, I'm making her file for divorce and this is what I came to talk to you about" I blinked as he continued. "Yesterday afternoon after the race I went to the palace to find her beaten up by her husband and lifeless on the floor." I had to sit down. "WHAT?" My body felt weak all the caffeine I just had burned out in two seconds. "IS SHE OKAY? ALEX,IS MALENA OKAY?" "Yes, but she's broken. So broken to the point only one person in the world can mend her up." Alex was dead serious. "Alex?" "Yes Charles, you are that person and I want you to help me rescue my sister and the love of your life out of the mess she put herself into." The room felt a hundred degrees. I fanned myself tugged on my collar looking up at him. "I can't," I whispered. "Charles mate don't do this. Ah needs you, I need you to help." "SHE'S THE ONE WHO LEFT ME. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO RECOVER? TO MAKE UP MY MIND TO LOVE SOMEONE ELSE? I'M NOT GOING TO PUT MYSELF THROUGH THAT AGAIN AND SHE IS Not THE LOVE OF MY LIFE." I was almost out of breath. "But your eyes say something different, did you see the way you looked at her on the podium yesterday? You still love her Charles. You will love her forever and Malena will do the same." "THEN WHY DID SHE LEAVE" My whole body was shaking at this point. I could feel Drops of sweat drip down the sides of my head. "She had NO FUCKING CHOICE!" Alex screamed. "What are you saying?" I grabbed his shoulders, my forehead scrunching with confusion. "Charles," Alex shook his head hiding his face in his hands.

I battled the sunlight pouring into the room as I opened my eyes. My body felt like shit and one of my hands was asleep. "Fuck!" I cussed forcefully making myself turn onto my back. "Good morning" My eyes shot open, making me sit up. "Charles?" I turned to the man who was tilting against the doorframe. He was wearing his Ferrari jersey with a pair of baggy jeans I could still remember forcing him to buy. His hair was quite damp from what I guess was a morning shower. "Hi Lexi," he smiled. I pushed the quilt off my body before jumping out of bed and running into his arms. "Hi," my voice broke as I wrapped my arms around his body and his tightened around mine. "Lexi, I'm sorry," he whispered in my ear but I didn't bother to reply. I just wanted to hold him, Like nothing else in the world mattered." He understood me, he held me for a couple of minutes until I pulled away. He made me sit down on the bed before kneeling down next to me. "You ok?" his eyes glistened as he asked taking my hands into his. "I'll be okay eventually" I pouted. He grabbed the pack of ice that Alex had left next to my bed and started massaging my cheek which I guess must have swelled up or darkened. "Oh Lexi, what did you get yourself into?" a sigh escaped him, his gaze not meeting mine. "Charles don't pity me, this is what I deserved." suddenly his muscles clenched. Charles got up onto his feet anger erupting in him. "NO!" he screamed, throwing the ice at the wall in the distance. The bag broke open, the cubes shattered into pieces."Charles!" "NO LEXI, LOOK AT YOU, YOU FUCKED UP WHEN YOU COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL. YOU COULD HAVE HAD ME. I COULD HAVE GIVEN YOU MY WHOLE WORLD". He was never the kind of person to have sudden outbursts but right now his body was out of control. I "Charles please calm down."I begged. "I'M SORRY LEXI BUT SEEING YOU LIKE THIS MAKES ME WANNA DIE and the worst-" Charles was fisting his knuckles so hard they were turning white. " the worst part is that I can't help you." Tears rolled down his cheek. Charles closed his eyes trying to control his breath. "Malena I wish I could but I'm devoted to a woman and the moment on the podium was crossing the line." "Charles wait let me explain-" "No, I am to be married in a few months and this is the last place I should be. Alexandra hates me seeing you." I grabbed his arm pulling him closer. "Yes, Charles I understand you. I am the one who left and you don't deserve to suffer because of it and I could never give you what you want, I could never give any man what they want." "Malena, you could have given me everything I wanted, way better than Alexandra but darling it's just too late." his touch on my face made my body shiver. "Lexi I- can't afford to watch you leave again. You are my biggest weakness and I'm not that strong" "Charles-" I patted the mattress, tears already glazing my cheeks. He slowly crawled next to me before laying his head on my lap hugging on to his legs. "You are the strongest man I know" I ran my fingers through his hair. This was the worst I have seen him since the crash in Dubai three years ago. My heart broke just imagining how broken he must have been after I left and I could never put this god of a human being through that again. Even though I would never let go of him if he became mine, I would never give him one of his biggest dreams. I could never give him kids. If he married me he'd never have the big family he's looking forward to raising. Alexandra was the best choice and I was so proud of him for knowing what he needed.

Both of us lay in silence until Charles's phone buzzed Alexandra's picture appearing on the screen.

She was truly the most beautiful human I've ever seen

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She was truly the most beautiful human I've ever seen. She was perfect for him. She was his home.
"Charles" I cleared my throat. He lifted his head up, grabbing his phone and muting it before sitting up. "Charles, you have to go home" I whispered pulling my legs up to my chest. He nodded as he ran his fingers through his messy hair. His eyes stayed on the floor too scared to look up at me. "Hey, you are going to be ok. You are going to have the most amazing life okay and I promise you, you will not even remember me after a while." his chuckle filled the room finally breaking the tension. "Lexus you will always be a part of my life," the way Charles looked up at me made my vision a blur again. "Charles- you can't say that. Not anymore" "That will always be the truth" Our hands are linked. His thumb drawing circles on my skin. I pulled my hand away, shaking my head and breaking into a cry. "CHARLES NO- Charles please go. You are going to make this hard for both of us." I tried not to break down completely but all the pain I was holding in was taking control of my body. Charles didn't blink as he watched me. Tears pebbled in the corner of his eyes.


Never in my life did I imagine that our breakup had affected her this much and the weirdest part was I didn't understand why. She was the one who decided to leave me and get engaged to a prince a few months later. When I asked Alex the reason he said it was hers to tell and right now I didn't have the strength in me to ask and she probably didn't have the strength in her to tell. This whole thing was a massive maze and I felt like an ant stuck inside of it with no way to get out. Malena crumbling into pieces in front of me got the best of me. I was never going to get this chance ever again so I allowed my body to take control. My hand grabbed the back of her neck pulling her lips onto mine. My free hands moved to her cheek as the nostalgic feeling and She still tasted like the forbidden fruit I never should have taken a bite of. I deepened the kiss our tongues entangling with each other. She was heaven. She was the heaven I could never have. Her hands were cupping my face signalling that she never wanted to let go just the way I didn't but I had to. I pulled away placing a kiss on her forehead before forcing myself away from her for the last time. "Charles go and don't look back" She smiled her head tilted just a little. I gave her one last nod before storming out not knowing where to even head. My mind was blank but somehow I found my Ferrari so I climbed in and locked the doors before I did anything stupid letting myself calm down. "FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK" I screamed anger taking over my whole body. "FUCK FUCK FUCK" I slapped myself, finally pounding my head against the steering wheel.

Two weeks later~


The princess of the Monegasque hearts wears her version of a revenge dress to her surprised divorce with prince Andre of Monaco

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The princess of the Monegasque hearts wears her version of a revenge dress to her surprised divorce with prince Andre of Monaco.

Life with you | A Charles Leclerc love storyWhere stories live. Discover now