🌷broken petal

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"Shit! Where are the fucking keys" I rubbed my sweaty palms against my running shorts before digging back into my pocket. I was pretty sure that I grabbed them before I went out for my daily seven-mile run but right now I wouldn't say the same. "Fuck fuck fuck" I had an AirTag on my keys and it confirmed that I'd had left them inside. This was the second time I left my them inside my apartment this week. Normally Malena would be the one to remind me but with her absence for the past three weeks life has been hectic. A quick run downstairs to the lobby could get me the spares but something a bit abnormal didn't even let me have the thought. The door was unlocked. The apartment lights were on and I could hear the washing machine running. I grabbed a vase nearby before taking a few more steps down the hallway. A rattling sound from the kitchen made my fingers tighten. "MOM?" I called out, my mom had a key role to old my old apartment but ever since Malena and I moved into the new one we didn't have enough keys to give her one but who else would break into the apartment and start the laundry? "MALENA?" My mouth fell open at the sight of my girlfriend washing the dishes. She had her earphones in and she was still wearing what was supposed to be her airport fit. "Charles" she had a small jump scare but I didn't even give her enough time to process what was going on before grabbing her into my arms. "Baby, you didn't tell me you were flying back today?" "Really, I thought I did" she muttered against my shoulder as I continued to press kisses all over her. "No you didn't my love" "I'm sorry Charles, it must have slipped my mind" "It's okay Lexi, you are here and that's all I want" she gave me a small smile before turning back to the dishes. "Not even a kiss for your boyfriend" "Fine" she sighed giving me a quick peck on the lips. "Are you pissed at me?" "No" she shook her head."Okay then," I didn't want to argue, I knew that she didn't enjoy being at her parent's house so I didn't want to make it any worse. "I'll check on the laundry" "Thank you Charles" Leaving your girl alone when she is in a bad mood was something I learnt from my older brother. Whenever he and her girlfriend fought he would walk out of the room and not return until she cooled down, I used his method in rare instances when Malena was irritable. 

We didn't talk much the whole day, just exchanging a few words once in a while. Malena continued to spend her time on her laptop while I hit the gym. "Hey babe" It was six thirty in the afternoon and the sun was about to set. "Yes" Malena looked up at Me from her laptop. Her hair was a bit messy and her eyes looked Tierd  from looking at the screen for so long. "Do you wanna go out and grab a quick meal?" her face instantly turned a bit sour but something inside made her say okay. "Give me a few minutes Charles, I look like shit and I'm not going out like this" she moaned getting up from her bean bag and placing her laptop back on her work table. "You look beautiful" I smiled before leaving to get myself ready aswell. A quick shower and some new clothes later I went down to take out her Ferrari because Malena thought it was a good idea to give it a spin after a long few weeks of being switched off. The deep green reminded me of my Dad's eyes I inherited. Sometimes I even wondered if she picked this colour because it reminds me of me. It felt a bit cliche to ask so I kept my mouth shut every time it popped into my mind. "Charles, are you ready?" I snapped at her voice. "Yeah- yeah," she looked drop-dead gorgeous. Her hair Was in loose curls and a tight short black dress hugged her body. Her lips were the first to catch my eyes. She was wearing a beautiful shade of lipgloss that complimented her eyes perfectly. "Wow baby" I took a step back to take another good look. After a very long day, a smile finally took over her face. Her already pink cheeks turned darker making me feel like I just won a grand prix. "You like it" "Yes mama I love it" she rolled her eyes at me bitting into her lower lip. "Charles, can we go to a restaurant near the beach" "Anything you want baby" "Okay" I loved it when she was happy and I felt how much it meant to me for the first time. 


Avoiding Charles was hard, it felt like torture. Not kissing his lips and not allowing myself to touch him made me want to die. The hope in his eyes when he asked me to go out made it impossible to say no. I could feel Charles's gaze on Me as we drove to the restaurant. Usually, he would hold onto my hand or thigh while we drove but I crossed my legs And kept them out of reach while I pretended to go through my phone. At the restaurant, we grabbed a table at the corner of the balcony where not many guests were seated. It felt really awkward to not talk so I brought up a very dull topic to avoid his questions. Finally, the waiter got to our table and Charles started to order. In the meantime, I admired the gorgeous sunset that so many guests just took for granted. "It's beautiful isn't it" Charles's voice added. "Yes, very beautiful" "Malena?" "Charles" "why are you avoiding me, baby?" he reached for my arm but I pulled it back. "I'm not" "Then give me your hand, I want to hold you" "Charles, please a lot has been going on I need my space." "And I need my girlfriend" These words coming out of him were gut-wrenching. "And you are being fucking selfish Charles" I spat back. A smirk formed on his face, he leaned against his chair and let out a loud sigh. "When you are ready I'm here to talk" I didn't dare to look into his eyes, that one move would destroy all our plans including his life. if I did there was a good chance of my guard falling down. Tension at the table got louder and louder by the second. Charles finally grabbed his phone off the table and drew his chair back. "I'll be back in a while if the food arrives Don't be shy to dig in,"  I watched him disappear to the distance. 

Life with you | A Charles Leclerc love storyWhere stories live. Discover now