🌷Down the Aisel

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"Lexus?" Alex's touch made me flinch. "You ready?" "Yeah," I wrapped my hand around his biceps holding him tight to keep my hand from shivering. "You look very pretty" I closed my eyes as his lip collided against my cheek. my hand ran down the silk the fabric of my wedding dress. "I never thought I'd wear a ballgown to my wedding" I faked a smile looking up at my cousin. "I never thought I'd walk you down the aisle" he smiled. My dad was outraged about this decision but I was too exhausted to give a shit about him. "This is what I want" I blinked. "Are you sure?" Alex cleared his throat. "You walking me, YES" "You know I'm not talking about that" his eyes stared straight at the large wooden church door that would open up any second. "Alex?" "Is this the life you desire?"I opened my mouth but Alex was quite ahead. "Malena yes I begged you to give up your life for your father's commands eight months ago but it has been the biggest regret of my life ever since. seeing you give up everything you worked your ass off for a man that you didn't even know hurts but that's not even the worst part" he took a deep breath in. "I don't see that smile on your face anymore, the one you had when you were with Charles-" My blood went cold at the sound of his name. "Charles is no longer a part of my life Alex, Andre is, agreeing to marry him was my decision and I promise you I won't let myself regret it" "Lexus, this is agonizing " he sighed. "Alex" my hand cupped his cheek. "Alex, I promise you everything is going to be okay, I'm happy and you have nothing to regret" The bells started ringing and the music echoed through the walls. "Sis," Alex grabbed my wrist tight. "I love you so much and remember you'll always have me no matter what" "I love you Alex" Tears filled my eyes as he finally looked down. The doors opened, and I quickly wiped them off grabbing back onto my cousin's arm. "Ready?" "As ever" 

Instagram: @PrincessMalenaFoxofMonaco

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15,986,098 ❤️likes including AlexAlbon, Alexandrasaintmluex, Lily He and AndreHugo

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15,986,098 ❤️likes including AlexAlbon, Alexandrasaintmluex, Lily He and AndreHugo

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