🌷who are you?

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"Siri,answer the call" I screamed running across my apartment, hustling to get ready on time. "Siri, please answer the phone" I begged. I was in my scrubs ,only one sock on and my hair is half done. "Useless piece of shit" I whispered grabbing and answering it myself. "WHAT?" I yelled. "Ah, if you want I can call later." shit, Charles! "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you, I can talk" "I'll call later" "NO, Charles I won't get the time to call you for the whole shift, I want to hear your voice." "ok then," he chuckled. " when are finishing work?" "four sharp" I answered still hunting my other sock down. "Fount it" I screamed happily. "Found what?" "my sock" "oh," he chuckled. "Wanna FaceTime?" "yeah, I would love to see your gorgeous face" I switched on the camera, my apartment was a mess. His video turned on a few seconds later. "Sorry about the mess" "What mess? You have to see my room" I walked into the frame and his jaw dropped. "What?" I laughed. "You look so pretty," "Charles, you have seen me in these old things before." I rolled my eyes. "But, I was too stressed out that one time to admire how beautiful you were." this man was such a heartthrob, I was embarrassed myself at how hard I was blushing. I continued braiding my hair as our conversation stretched longer and longer. None of us kept the phone down until I had to because I was at the hospital parking lot. "I miss you so much" "I miss you too mama," his dimpled smile dropped to a pout. "Please, come home as soon as you are free, I can't imagine how much your family must miss you if I miss you this much." "I'm so sorry I couldn't come home in one week and two days as we planned, I hope you can understand. Fred needed us in Maranello last week." "yeah, it's been almost two and a half weeks hasn't it, but it's ok. F1 is your dream and I will support it no matter what." "Thank you, mama, that means the world to me" he blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it. "Gotta go, Charles, I'll talk to you later." we've FaceTimed every chance we got since Monza and this was always the hard part, keeping the phone not knowing when we'd get to talk to each other again. Both of us had very busy schedules but the time differences made it a worse challenge.

*almost six hours later

My hands and legs felt wobbly walking out of the PICU, but my mind was still inside. The sound of beeping turning into a constant was still haunting me.My mouth felt dry  even though my whole body was drenched in sweat. I wiped my sweaty palms on the back of my trousers."We tried" Dr Nicholas patted me on the shoulder  following me out. "Time of death 04:24" I looked out of the glass window to see an adorable couple waiting outside. I could see the hope in their eyes to hear any good news about their only child, but the problem was we didn't have any. "What are we going to tell them?" "The truth is we tried everything and we ran out of options, we didn't have a choice Malena," The door flung open making both of us jump. "Dr Fox, let the parents know" Dr Luca, head of the PICU walked out. "Me?" my heart dropped. "I think you heard me right" "Please, I can't" his eyes turned to me. "Don't make me tell you twice doctor Malena, this is a part of our job and if you chose this face the consequences," he hissed. "M, let's go. I'll be right here If you need me" Nicholas grabbed my hand dragging me away from Luca. "I can't Nicholas, I can't,I beg you" Nicholas gave me a death stare, "do you want to keep your residency?" "Hm," I nodded. "Then go break the news before Luca kicks both of us out." I took all the energy in me to take these few steps. The couple fled from their seats."Is my baby okay?" the mum cried. "Babe, relax. Don't panic" the blond man tried to calm down his wife. "How's our baby girl doctor?" The desperation was obvious. I took a large breath in before shaking my head. "We couldn't save her, her conditions were too extreme." "No no no What NO NO NO NO NO NO" The mom fell onto her knees and the dad started shaking his head aggressively before turning to us. "WHAT?" "I'm so sorry sir," was all I could say. I wanted to pull them into a tight hug but Luca's voice caught me off guard. "I'm so sorry Mr And Mrs fizz" he approached us. "Time of death was 04:24" Nicholas added and the hopeless mother's cries turned into screams.I was speechless. Nicholas fled the room, I followed his out anger sizzling inside,"Why did you do that?" I pushed him away. "Do what?" "tell them the time of death when they were that vulnerable?" "I did my job Malena,if you want to survive here don't get too attached," I stormed away from him. "I'm trying to be a better human over here! I'm not getting attached" "what the fuck Malena, do you think that was easy for me? I watch innocent people die every day, this job is ruthless sometimes and what you are doing right now won't help" he turned his back on me and walked away. 

Life with you | A Charles Leclerc love storyWhere stories live. Discover now