🌷 The Prince and Princess of Monaco

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"Malena, can you wipe that frown off your face for god's sake? it's the fucking Monaco Grand Prix" "I'm not frowning Andre,". "Doesn't seem like it to me". It was no wonder Andre and I ended up like this. I don't know about him but I didn't love him in the first place, I never will. The first year of the marriage I truly believed we'll work out, and that the god of Arranged marriages would look down on us but that thought is long gone after a while. I was just a pawn on his chessboard unless he wanted to get me pregnant or wanted someone to scream at. "I really still wonder what I saw in you" "What did you say, Andre?" my head turned. "Nothing," he sighed.

Out the car window, Monaco looked prettier than ever. The sun was bright and the deep blue Mediterranean waters shone under it. Until today I Almost forgot how much people loved F1 here, Ferrari logo embroidered flags decorated every light post to the building balcony. This was my first time going to a grand prix ever since the breakup, the nostalgia almost triggered my pregnancy hormones. "Monte Carlo looks beautiful" I glanced at my husband but he was already busy on his phone. "Right Fred?" "yes princess, it's gorgeous"my driver answered. I straightened my back as I sat up, a sigh escaping my body. I hated this. I hated my life. "Princess you might want to put your sunglasses on, we are almost at the entrance." "Thank you, Fred. Andre we are here" I elbowed making him look up from his phone for a second.

The walk inside was hectic and my pregnancy nausea made it a living hell. Almost hundreds of camera lights flickered. The paparazzi were obviously trying to get that one show-stopping picture of the royal family and they were giving it their all. Almost two dozen guards surrounded trying to get us into hospitality and the hustle was worth it because once we got inside, Everything went back to normal, with not one camera in sight.

To be honest, I missed this place, it brought me back a feeling of home. Almost four years ago I lived at the paddock every weekend. Flying in every Friday night to watch Charles do what he loved most and during the journey I fell for it too. "Coffee?" a cough made me startle. "Lily omg hi!" I grabbed my sister-in-law into my arms. Lily and Alex got engaged three months ago and I've never seen her glow this much in her life. "I haven't seen you since the engagement missy, I missed you" "I missed you two Lexus but Alex is the one who's over the moon about you coming." Lily fought for breath the moment I released our hug. "I was quite surprised to see you at hospitality! I thought you'd be at the VVIP area." "oh! Andre wanted to but I threatened him, I wanted to feel normal for a goddamn day." Lily pouted as she pulled me back in. " still rooting for Ferrari?" "No Lily, Red Bull" I couldn't stop smiling, the feeling of being able to talk freely without being judged took the best of me. "Do you want to come to the Williams garage? Alex will be thrilled." "I wish but I think that's breaking the security protocols" "Who gives a shit about protocols Lexus? I know a short cut and I don't think Fred would mind coming" I scratched my neck, shaking my head gently. "I can't do that, not in this state" Lily's eyes widened. "What? What do you mean by 'this state'?" shit. I pressed my lips together gulping back my smile and excitement. "Nothing," "M, tell me!" she squealed but we both were interrupted by an angelic voice."Your Highness" I turned my head to find the gorgeous Alexandra smiling back at me. "Alexandra?" "Your Highness, I didn't expect to see you here" Her soft hands took mine. "Yes, this was not planned but I'm glad you said hello, I don't want any grudges between us." her eyes squinted as she giggled. "Of course, Princess me either but I came here to give you something very important" She unzipped her green Lady Dior bag and pulled out a beautiful silver envelope. "This is for you" I took it and to my surprise, it was a wedding invitation. "I insisted on giving one to you, Your Highness" My hands literally started shaking as my eyes scanned the envelope.

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