2 Hurt

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Isha's P.O.V

It was a usual day I was attending the lectures when yashasvani mam (Auditing professor ) took a surprise test in which I knew nothing about so I do what we have been doing since the covid period

I take out my phone and start copying the answers from Google, it's not like I am dumb but this teacher has never taught us properly she just reads out the overview and the tittles of the important points

And then when we even after writing a 7 page answer get only 6/15 so she says
'taras Kha kar diye hai Tumhe marks'

Then there was our Dubey sir (income tax) instead of teaching us he started talking about his college experiences, how he used to write shayaris take part in elections blah blah
(Are yaar nahi padhana toh ghar jaane do bhook lag rahi hai)

The good thing that happened while returning was that me and chanchal ate spicy pani puris to our hearts content but of course
Meri dinzagi Mai dukh khatam hi nahi hote
It's another comment on my body type by my mother dearest officially spoiling my mood

Disheartened I tell her I don't want lunch but she forces me to eat those two rotis determined to not let the food get wasted which I eat half heartedly watching Tmkoc

Post lunch cleaning the kitchen I take my bag and go upstairs to my room to study. This room is mine only till 9:30 in night after that I have to be downstairs. We four that is me mumma papa and Ishan sleep in 1 big bed

Studying for the upcoming internal exams I can't help but think about mummy's words should I start doing exercises but I don't have time for exercise there is my college then studying for exams, tutoring my brother helping mumma in kitchen, maintaining my mental health there is only so much a student can do *sigh*

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