17 preparation

35 6 5

(A/n this chapter is going to contain little snippets till their engagement day) 

Special thanks to pages_of_aprilfor her constant support and encouragement

Isha's P.O.V 


We had planned to go shopping today, to buy gifts and small but important things but unfortunately couldn't go. It's raining, the first rain of this season.

The first rain of the season is a magical experience. After months of dryness, the sky suddenly darkens, and the air becomes heavy with anticipation. Then, the first drops fall, gently at first, then steadily increasing in intensity.

This rain brings back many nostalgic memories. I remember a day in our school when there was just a week left for mid term exams. It was a rainy day and we students had to run towards our buses. That's when my notebooks 

Were wet and spoiled, none of my classmates were ready to lend me theirs so that I could at least xerox it. 

That's when Ritik came up for my help, he took the pain of clicking pictures of all the work and sending it to me on whatsapp, even though I didn't ask him to. That was the day I started to look at him through a completely different light. I didn't just see him as a friend but something more. 


We i.e I, Ritik and both of our mom's are here in the jewelry showroom selecting our engagement rings. The rings are going to be a surprise for each other , we didn't have our ring sizes that's why we came together. 

I had a talk with him regarding our engagement happening this early but he just told me to wait and watch.  Purchasing our rings we exit the showroom, only for my mother in law to invite us to join her and Ritik for a snack in the nearby cafe but mumma politely declines. 

Waving a bye and taking her blessing, we set off from their back home. 


From the past few days mumma has been indirectly highlighting my weight, either it's when I wear traditional dresses or when I take an extra serving of my favorite food. 

We had a conversation a few days back as we sat down for dinner, mumma glanced at me and remarked, "You know, I heard about this new workout class that's supposed to be really effective for losing weight."

I, who had always struggled with my weight for years, felt a pang of hurt but tried to brush it off. "Oh, really? That sounds interesting," I replied, forcing a smile.

Throughout the meal, mumma continued to make subtle comments about health and fitness, each one feeling like a jab at my weight. I tried to ignore it, focusing on my food and trying not to let my mother's words get to me.

After dinner, as we both cleared the table, mumma made one final comment. "You know, sweetheart, I just want you to be healthy. Maybe you should think about making some changes to your diet and exercise routine."

My heart sank. I knew her mother meant well, but the constant remarks about my weight only made me feel more self-conscious and inadequate. I wished my mother would understand that my weight was a sensitive topic and that I didn't need constant reminders about it.


When we arrived to shop for my engagement dress, I wanted something that looked heavy but was actually light and also was in the shades of purple, since I had been pestered by Ritik to purchase something along the lines of purple. 

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