3 Brunch

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Isha's P.O.V

We have bunked the last lecture
We means me, my bestie, her sister and her bestie to have a little fun, to escape the reality for a bit.

We sit here in 'Happiness cafe' which really is a happy place for us college students, enjoying our own company. Ordering a large farmhouse pizza with two schezwan Paneer rolls and four coffes we get indulged in our useless talks .

I sometimes think people's opinion about us girls are true once we start talking there is no direction of the conversation, we don't realize from where we started to where we are headed to.

The conversation flows smoothly from the new songs to new shows to I don't even remember which topic and now we are talking about the internal exams that are starting from next week.

Equally distributing the food we start to eat and now gossip the famous couples of our college and their cringe acts, laughing so loud that one can't help but glance at us.

I truly enjoyed today ate good food, talked to my hearts content and took pretty pictures of food and some of myselfs too. Now I am walking home listening to music and creating those fake scenarios in my mind which will never come true .

Coming home I refuse to eat anything cause I am full but mumma without even listening to me gets angry. She thinks I'm doing cause of her yesterday's comment, further she tells me

"you wanna eat then eat, don't wanna eat don't eat just don't talk to me. Anyways it's good for you only atleast you will loose some weight and shred that extra fat you have stored. All these years the only thing you have done is eat and become a cow"
And goes in her room

Upset I trudge upstairs and just lay down on my bed while slowly tears trickle down my eyes and disappear in my hairs
'is it my fault that no matter what I do I can't seem to shred this body fat , no matter the amount of exercises and diets I do it's always there , can't I be accepted like this '

'I have done everything within my reach done countless amount of exercises, skipped I don't know how many meals I walk to college which takes 45 minutes and vice versa yet I remain the same'

'is it really necessary to fit into these so called beauty forms that society has set, I always try to assure myself that I beautiful just the way I am but this society never let's me be happy '

With these thoughts silent sobs leave my body. I start crying silently the one where your throat feels a lump, the one where we feel the sharp pain in our hearts, the one where we can't produce a sound .

After sometimes I go to the washroom wash my face and sit down on my study table opening my textbooks and start preparing the important revision notes of income tax laws .

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