11 Interview

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Isha's P.O.V 

Checking my resume once again and taking a deep breath, I enter in. It's a small office, a two storey one. It's "Dreamscape Realty Solutions" , a real estate agency. I straight away moved to the first floor, Tany had told me the boss, his PA and his partner along with his PA have their cabin on this floor. 

“Hi how may I help you” the PA of Mr khandelwal (the boss) asked 

“Hi I am here for an interview”

“oh yes! Isha right”

“yes that would be me”

“please wait over there, sir is in a meeting”


As I sat in the waiting area, waiting for the interview to begin, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. I couldn't help but feel nervous, my heart pounding in anticipation of what was to come.

I tried to stay calm, reminding myself of all the preparation I had done but despite my best efforts, doubts crept into my mind – what if I wasn't good enough? What if I stumbled over my words or couldn't answer the interviewer's questions?

As the minutes ticked by, I tried to focus on positive thoughts. I visualized myself confidently answering each question, impressing the interviewer with my knowledge and skills. I reminded myself that this interview was just one step in my journey and not the whole journey. 

Finally, the PA called my name, and I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the interview ahead. I knocked on the door and walked into the room with a smile on my face, ready to showcase my abilities and make a positive impression.

Author's P.O.V

**Boss:** Good morning, please have a seat.

**Isha** Good morning, thank you.

**Boss:** So, I see from your resume that you have some experience in clerical work. Can you tell me about a time when you had to handle a challenging task?

**Isha** Sure, during my internship , I was tasked with organizing a large amount of paperwork that had been neglected for some time. It was a challenging task, but I created a system to categorize and file the documents, which helped streamline the process.

**Boss** That sounds like a valuable skill. How do you prioritize your tasks when you have multiple deadlines to meet?

**Isha** I prioritize my tasks based on urgency and importance. I create a to-do list and allocate time for each task, ensuring that I meet all deadlines efficiently.

**Boss:** That's great to hear. We often have tight deadlines here, so that skill will be valuable. How do you handle stress and pressure in the workplace?

**Isha** I handle stress by staying organized and maintaining a positive attitude. I also communicate openly with my colleagues and seek help when needed, which helps me manage stress effectively.

**Boss:** Excellent. One final question – why do you want to work with us?

**Isha** I admire your company's reputation for excellence in real estate services, and I believe that my skills and experience align well with the role. I am eager to contribute to the success of your team.

**Boss:** Thank you for your answers. We will be in touch regarding the next steps in the interview process.

**Isha** Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you.

With that Isha walks out of the cabin with a smile on her face hoping for the best for her future but the mind is a dirty place, especially that of an insecure and overthinker girl. 

Isha's P.O.V 

Doubts crept in – had I answered the questions well enough? Did I come across as confident and competent?

Despite my best efforts to stay positive, I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and self-doubt. I knew I had done my best in the interview, but I couldn't help but feel like it wasn't enough. I hoped for the best but feared the worst, unsure of what the future held.

No no no 

Isha think positive, yes everything will be alright, I will get the job if they think I am qualified, no worries cool down. 

Somehow controlling my mind from spiraling down the negative side, I set off towards my friend who lives in this area. She is my school friend, though we don't meet often but our friendship is still intact.

  Friendship doesn't mean that you have to talk and meet daily. Instead friendship is such a bond where even though you haven't talked to each other for a month but when you do, there are no disturbed feelings. 

Reaching over there we both gossip over a cup of coffee and some sandwiches in her room, when her neighbor comes in complaining that her child isn't good in academics, that's where I get an idea. 

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