(Group chat)

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History project (wink wink)
Aiden: @Logan did you do the homework?

Tyler: stfu leave him alone

Aiden:I didn't do anything 😭

Taylor:fr lmao why was he so quick to defend his man

Tyler:Wdym I'm straight

Logan: in all seriousness I didn't do the homework

Ashlyn: I was gonna copy

Ben: I have it

Aiden: Enough about homework it's boring

Taylor: I forgot like my whole life at Aiden's house when we had that sleepover

Ben: Ya you left ur blanket tooth brush and ur whole bag

Tyler: explains why u took MY blanket

Aiden: Ben said if tays cold they should cuddle

Tyler: HUH 🤨

Ben: No I didn't I swear on Aiden's life


Ashlyn: be quiet guys I'm trying to sleep

Logan:mute them btc

Ben: u guys r together rn?

Taylor:come home Tyler I'm hungry

Ashlyn: This is getting boring wanna play a game guys

Taylor: Truth or dare?

Aiden:No good dares in truth or dare unless in person

Taylor: Kiss marry kill?

Logan: sure!

Tyler:whose first

Ashlyn: The person who suggested should be victim # 1

Ben: Okay Taylors first

Logan: Taylor kiss Marry kill Aiden Ashlynn Ben

Taylor: Kill Aiden

Tyler: I've taught u well

Taylor: kiss Ashlyn marry Ben

Aiden: okay one back away from my girl two why'd u kill me 3 Ben is tomato redd

Taylor: well marrying Ben is the easiest decision and ash seems like a better kisser than u

Logan: Blunt asf

Tyler: you know curse words?

Ben: I'd marry u2 ❤️

Tyler: no

Taylor: wdym no

Ashlyn: I'm still stuck on when Aiden said im his girl???

Aiden: It's true boo bear

Tyler: pls stop

Taylor: Okayy victim number 2 is Logan!

Ashlynn: Tyler Taylor Ben had to chose to make sure I'm not involved again 😒

Logan: I think I'm gonna kill.. uhh Taylor

Taylor: course u are u fruitcake


Logan: Marry Tyler kiss Ben

Tyler:Marry me?

Ashlyn:he's doing that thing where he's trying 2 be nonchalant but he's prob hitting the Irish jig rn


Ben: we just got married in chat sorry I can only kiss my wife

Aiden: Submissive husband?

Tyler: stop wtf

Taylor: I manifested that Logan would marry Tyler

Logan: it's mainly cuz he's house wife material

Tyler: huh

Ashlyn: Omg I remember when he showed up with soup cuz I was sick

Tyler: Why r we making fun of me for being nice and complaining when I'm mean

Ben: wait why is he on to something

Taylor: Ashlyn is next! Aiden Aiden and Aiden!

Logan: she'd kiss them all

Aiden: of course she would it's her boo bear

Ashlyn: kill all three

Tyler: she's lying

Taylor: I luv Summer but this is getting boring

aiden: we should go camping!!!

Logan: such a random suggestion..

Aiden: that's a little mean

Ashlyn: Tyler's rubbing off on him

Logan: sorry

Tyler: don't apologize that's a good thing

Ben: anyway... when should we go

Aiden: ooh next week is good

Taylor: okay sounds good!

519 words thanks for reading!!
I might make a Aiden and ash one shot before adding a camping part to the group one shots

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