Beach Day part two

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Ash pov

I got out of the car almost immediately to crack my back and stretch it was about 4 pm and 76 degrees out so luckily for me it wasn't all that crowded

"Let's all make sand castles!" Taylor suggested while getting some shovels and buckets from the car trunk

Ben gave an acknowledging nod before helping Taylor out

"one more thing, I got us all matching sunglasses"  Aiden exclaimed

"Huh who knew psycho could do something nice" Tyler said carefully eyed the glasses and put them on

"Okay hurry up guys it might start getting dark," Logan said getting stuff from the car

"I'm on it!" Taylor exclaimed running out of the parking lot "Wait for me!" Aiden ran after her

"Do one of you guys want to play beach volleyball with me?" Tyler asked "You know what sure doesn't sound too bad" I replied heading over to the net

"If you want I can be on my knees for a fair game height wise" "ya ya just hurry it up Tyler"

"Hey guys me and ben are gonna go get ice cream what flavor do you guys want" Logan asked

"Mint chocolate chip thanks," Tyler said "Uhh rocky road" I replied very indecisively

"Okie dokie!" Logan went to go ask Aiden and Taylor

While me and Tyler continued playing volleyball Ben and Logan eventually came back with everyone's  ice-cream and me and Tyler sat on the towel under the umbrella to eat ours

"Hey uhm Tyler can I ask you something?" "whats up? Why so serious carrot top"

"Is twin telepathy real?" he started hysterically laughing  "oh.. You're serious" "You really got all stiff and serious to ask me that?"

"Well, it's about something more.."
"Does Taylor like Aiden"

"if she does I'll kill them both personally"

"Haha very funny now answer seriously" "dude you don't need twin telepathy to see the way Taylor and Ben feel about each other"

"your just saying that to make me feel better" I mumbled "Why would I do that?— anyways look they're close but in a sibling sort of way they're literally trying to drown each other over there"

"Whatever I'm gonna go swim see you later carrot top"

He took off his shirt and went over to the water meanwhile his words were still replaying in my head maybe they were just friends

I glanced over at them to see Aiden sharing his ice cream with Tay and all moments of bliss went out of the window

I started lying down to take a nice nap in the sun and when I woke up I was surrounded by the whole group staring down at me

"Ugh well just kick her or something we need to head back to the hotel" Tyler complained "Do.Not.Touch.Me"
I got up and headed back to the car

"Well finally, let's head to the hotel your parents booked now Aiden," Logan said


"I call shotgun!" Taylor yelled taking her seat next to Ben

I sat in the back with Logan

At the hotel ~~

"Me and Ashlyn will stay in the second room" Tay smiled putting her hand on my head

We all got in the elevator to head to the third floor when we got there me and Taylor parted ways with the others

Taylor collapsed onto one of the beds "Good night Ash see you in the morning!"

No pov

After Ashlyn went to bed there was a knock on their door "Oh hey come in"

"Hi Tay can I come in I'm too stressed about school to sleep ha ha" Ben texted to her

"Ya I can't sleep, so you might as well come in"

Ben sat down on the bed and Taylor did too quickly after him Taylor grabbed his hand and began making small circular motions with her fingers

Ben gave her a soft smile, after a little bit of silence Taylor looked up at him to say something

"Ben I really like you in a more than friends way and I wanted to get that off my chest"

Ben blushed profusely before Taylor leaned in to kiss him he embraced the kiss after getting over the shock

Taylor moved in a little to the point where she was basically on his lap while they were making out

After about ten minutes Ashlyn woke up and looked over at them

"oh uhm sorry did the uh.. noises wake you?" Taylor asked fixing her smudged lipgloss

"Of you guys making out? ya it did"

"Sorry about that Ash" "you're fine, you should be heading back to your room now Ben"

He nodded and left "Hey Taylor can I tell you something

"Sure anytime!" "I actually thought you liked Aiden"

Taylor started giggling like Ashlyn was crazy "Oh... Your serious, all he talks about is getting the courage to ask 𝐲𝐨𝐮 out y'know"

"Wait really?" "totally if you like him you should go for it"

"Thanks, tay" Ashlyn was feeling a little embarrassed about the whole ordeal considering there were a few signs Ben and Taylor liked each other

Not to mention when she finally came to terms with her crush she felt jealous of her first-ever friend

but she finally had the needed courage to ask out Aiden

879 words thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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