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Authors note!!
This is set before Aiden's death but after Tyler's mild suicide mention

Aiden's pov

Me and Tyler were arguing about honestly who knows what— actually I think it was about Taylor at least it started off that way

We were all online in the group chat and Tyler said something about how Taylor was on a walk alone and night

He said it was unsafe or something which I gueeesss is pretty reasonable but I made a joke about how over protective he is and for some reason that set him over the edge

Around 9 pm

Logan: Hi guys :p

Aiden: hellourrr cleor

Ashlyn: shut up

Taylor: hi :p

Ben: hello
Ben: what r u all doing I'm bored

Aiden: bothering you

Ben: I know I meant everyone else

Ashlyn: I was trying to get some rest for the phantom dimension but I can't sleep

Tyler: we can tell

Logan: star gazing on my roof

Ashlyn: fym we can tell 🤨

Taylor: let's ignore tyler being a bully
Taylor: anyways I might go on a walk to stargaze too Logan!

Tyler: wait till I get home so I can come with you it's too dark out

Taylor: just say you want to stargaze girl

Ben: 💀

Ashlyn: let's be real here probably does

Aiden: lol Tyler ur so over protective

Tyler: it's late out how is that not fair??
Tyler: and like super dark
Tyler: and not everyone is a psycho who finds it funny when people they love get hurt

Aiden: what?

Tyler: you found all of this bs funny when it started

Tyler: wasn't funny when it had to do with you and Ashlyn though was it?

Aiden: how is this relevant

Taylor: I'm sure he just was joking ty

Tyler: no bc let's talk about it
It's not fucking funny to get stabbed by a tree I mean your constantly making jokes about it

Ashlyn: It's light hearted we've all made a joke about it

Tyler: ofc your running to protect him you know one of these days your little relationship is gonna get in the way of the phantom dimension

Ashlyn: we're not dating

Aiden: can u stfu man what I initially said was a joke and now your fuming mad over air I mean learn to have a little fun

Tyler: hm that must be really easy for you to say huh?

Taylor: Tyler stop

Aiden: no let him continue I want to see what insane thing he has to say next about MY life that he's never lived through

Tyler: your right I'm sorry having two filthy rich parents who get me whatever I want would be so difficult

Ben: I know your mad but you don't know what he's been through

Tyler: oh dear Ben enlighten us shall you?

Aiden: I'm not gonna share my personal life just cause you have an ego too big to comprehend the fact that other people have problems

Tyler: what would you know about problems

At this point everyone was too tired to deal with the arguing between the two so they were mainly just reading chats every now and then

Aiden: I could say the same Mr popular ,on the baseball team, perfect life
Tyler: You know nothing about my life

Aiden: right but you can right a biography on mine?

Tyler: maybe not but I have actual problems
Tyler: Not just 'oh my parents are too rich'

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Tyler: finally he was being such an asshole

Ben: no you were the ahole, Aiden's been through a lot but he doesn't show it bc he doesn't want to push his problems on to any of us

Ben: but you were making it out to be so amazing and luxurious we all have problems your not special Tyler

Tyler: And you're saying that like you don't have a bias towards someone who's basically ur brother?

Taylor: well you actually are my brother and I can say you need to calm down he was joking and his life isn't cupcakes and rainbows

Tyler: Okay well you can still be bias to ur little crush

𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫

Tay: Anywayyy

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Ben: why'd you remove him just to add him

Tyler: I took her phone but that's besides the point @favvnerd @gingerthinz Logan Ashlyn weigh in here

Logan: pretty sure ash muted u guys but honestly Tyler I think you both need to apologize but you a little more than him tbh

Tyler: I didn't actually make any assumptions about his life tho

Ben: you did tho
Ben: he faces so much pressure from his parents not to mention they neglect him 24/7
Ben: I think if his life was as good as you made it out be he wouldn't have tried to k!ll himself

Tyler: I'm sorry I didn't know

Ben: Ya bc he didn't feel the need to trauma dump on to us all

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Tyler: I'm sorry for undermining how 'hard' your life is

Taylor: without the quotes

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Taylor: and?

Tyler: and for getting provoked over nothing

Taylor: And?

Tyler: and for trying to blame you for the argument

Taylor: and?

Tyler: dude wtf that's it??

Taylor: you forgot for being ugly

Tyler: we're identical

Ben: well I don't know about that...

Aiden: anyways it's all good but can I get that all on like a voice note and also add Aiden was right Tyler was wrong

Tyler: go die

Aiden: I was kidding :p

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