Scavenger hunt

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Taylor: anyone bored enough to hang out with me?

Ben: no need to be bored to hang out with u Tay <33

Aiden: 👀

Aiden:Okay but like I'm super bored let's do something as a group

Ashlyn:be more specific


Logan:Who would hide the items or whatever

Ashlyn: my dad could do it

Ben:okay then I'm in

Logan: ya seems fine

Taylor: me and Tyler will!

Tyler: says who tf

Taylor: says me who do u think u r

Logan:I mean it would be nice to have a break from all the you know

Ashlyn's dad Mike has set everything up at a park nearby while the kids hung out a the ice cream parlor not to far from there

"Ok the teams will be based off of the first three names I pull out of my hat"

𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

"We have Taylor..."
Please say Ben please please please "Ben"

I stared at my shoes trying to hide my smile now I just have to hope he doesn't say- "and Tyler!"

I love him to death I swear but me and Ben will never have a moment alone
with him here

𝐍𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐯

That mean the second team consists of Aiden Ashlynn and Logan
"Hey how come I'm third wheeling" Logan joked

"Here is the first clue you guys can start!"mike said starting a timer

"Though my beauty is strong I can prick you with pain what am I?"

the kids wandered around the park until Logan was the first to figure it out "it's the thorn roses!" he whispered to Aiden and Ashlyn

"well there are too many bushes of them to find the clue we need to split up"Ashlynn suggested

"Aye aye captain" Aiden said rushing to go look shortly after Tyler got the hint based on where they were looking and told his group to do the same

"watchya doin" Aiden said peering over Ashlyn's shoulder "ah jeez Aiden I'm just looking for the next clue"

"well I'm done with my section so I'll help!" For a few minutes they looked in pure silence

but then Aiden found a fake rose in the bunch of real ones and put it in her hair
"Almost as pretty as you" he smiled

He then realized what he had done and turned the same color as the flower "guys i found the next clue!" Logan exclaimed to ash and Aiden

"I make two people out of one what am I?"

"A mother of identical twins!" Aiden yelled "your kidding right " Ashlynn asked staring at him


"ah I see the next clue" Taylor alerting Ben and Tyler. Tyler read the clue out loud to the two of them

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