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Ben pov

Aiden had suggested we go to a park when we got bored at our  sleepover
no one thought anything would go wrong

It was around 12 since we just got back from the phantom dimension and everyone was bored we had swam played board games and watched like three movies
"I mean we could always just watch another movie" Ashlyn suggested 

"Ugh again" Tyler groaned as he fell back onto the couch "ya well what do you wanna do genius" Taylor flicked him on the forehead as Logan held back a smile because of it

"Hey it's not funny Logan," He said defensively

"we should go to the park down the street" Aiden shrugged  "At night seriously?" Tyler complained, "Sounds fun I'm in!" Taylor stood up abruptly

I gave a thumbs up as I stood up after her "Okay sure" Logan nodded "I have to agree with Tyler what if the children at the park think we're a bunch of creeps" Ashlyn said

"Thanks but I don't think you would have to worry, with your height, you could pass as 11" Tyler snickered

"Shut up" Ashlyn rolled her eyes "I don't think any children will be at the park at this time," Taylor said

"Okay finee" Ashlyn stood up with us

No pov

They finally  arrived at the park

Aiden and Taylor raced on the monkey bars Ashlyn and Logan sat on the swings Tyler climbed around on the spider web (I think that's what those things are called idk)

And Ben just went on the slides over and over again as he watched Aiden and Taylor

Everyone was having a good time playing chatting and laughing together

Taylor sat down on the empty swing next to Logan "Watchya guys talking about" Taylor smiled "Oh we were remembering when I totally destroyed Barron in that fight"

"That was so funny" Taylor laughed "Ya not for me" Ashlyn replied

"Guys watch this I'm gonna do a full 360 on the swing!" Taylor said excitedly

"You're gonna hurt yourself" Tyler yelled over to her "Live a little Tyler" Aiden shrugged "ya tylerr live a little" Taylor agreed

Taylor went backward on the swing and was able to go about halfway to a full circle before the swing stopped and she fell off hitting her head

"Taylor" Tyler yelled jumping off the spider web the group all went toward her to check if she was okay but she had passed out

Tyler picked her up and moved her onto the bench to lay down more comfortably till they all got their things together to go back to Aiden's house since as Ashlyn and Tyler put it

That was their cue to go home Ben was carrying Taylor as they walked home Aiden and Tyler were arguing

"It might've been my idea to go to the park but it's not my fault she got hurt that was her decision" Aiden defended himself "You literally encouraged her" Tyler was only getting angrier

Ashlyn got annoyed and finally interrupted them "Both of you stop your giving me a headache, Tyler Taylor is gonna be fine she isn't 4 and Aiden stop trying to escalate things"

The rest of the walk home was pretty silent with Tyler occasionally saying "Ben be careful you're gonna drop her" or "Is Taylor awake yet Ben?

Eventually, they got home and they all went to bed after Logan convinced Tyler over and over that he didn't need to stay up and wait for her

Ben's pov

We were all supposed to go to sleep since it was  the middle of the night and we would have to wake up in a few hours but I couldn't fall asleep without knowing she was okay first so I went to look for the first Aid kit

I moved her hair away from her face as I disinfected the bruise and bandaged it up

Then I just sat next to her for a while until she woke up "Huh Ben?" She still sounded a little groggy when she whispered and  rubbed her eyes

I tilted my head and she giggled "Were you watching me sleep?"

I felt my face turn red as I picked my phone up to text her "Not in a weird way just to make sure you were okay"

"Does your head still hurt Tay?" "Kind of ya" Based on the habit of helping Aiden I mode her hair out of her face and started gently rubbing where the bruise was

I noticed a light blush creep up on her face as she looked to the side avoiding eye contact I let go and typed on my phone

"Sorry didn't mean to make you uncomfortable"

"no it's fine" She smiled and then went from sitting up to fully lying down I stood up and texted her asking if she wanted me to grab her a blanket

She grabbed my wrist to stop. me "Can you just lie down with me on the couch" I started shaking my head no because it'd be weird well not weird embarrassing if someone came down

Other than that it'd be fine, kind of nice really I stopped wandering in my thought when Taylor sighed loudly "Well okay guess I'll just be cold and lonely" I jokingly rolled my eyes then gestured for her to scoot over

It was fine for a few moments while I tried to ignore the fact I was probably blushing like crazy but then she rested her head on my chest and fell asleep like that

Probably the most nerve-wracking 10 minutes of my life but everything was fine again because I fell asleep




The rest of the group woke up and went downstairs to have breakfast

"If you have bacon and eggs in your fridge I could always just fry that" Tyler followed the others down the stairs Ashlyn was at the front of them all but then she stopped out of shock

"Ohhh well now we know why Ben never came upstairs" Aiden chuckled
"They did this on purpose to make me feel alone" Logan joked

"Can you guys go-" Tyler started but then paused his sentence when he saw what they were talking about

When they came downstairs Tyler went over to wake Ben up "Just let them sleep," Ashlyn said "Ugh fine" Tyler rolled his eyes

When everyone was eating breakfast Taylor woke up and walked over towards Tyler  and sat down next to him

"Good morning!" Taylor exclaimed taking some of the food off of Tyler's plate

"Mornin' Tay" Aiden did his usual smile back at her "ya ya we can skip the casualties what the hells up with you and Ben?" Tyler questioned

"Uh, what do you mean ty?" "Ahem, maybe the fact that you guys fell asleep cuddling" Logan smirked "I swear it's nothing guys" Ben walked in and sat down next to Aiden and smiled at everyone "So what do you have to say about the dating accusations Ben?" Aiden turned to him

Ben picked up his phone to start typing "We're not dating guys"

After breakfast, everyone got ready to go out since they had planned to go to the beach

1203 words thanks for reading!!!
I'll make a part two where they go to the beach and that'll include all ships

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