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Finally Ashlyn's dad dropped them off at the campsite

"This reminds me of when I used to go camping with my parents as a kid" Logan said "you had parents? I assumed you were adopted by your grandparents from birth" Aiden shrugged

"aiden!" Taylor yelled elbowing him in the shoulder "no it's fine I don't really like to talk about it"

"well let's go swimming in the lake!" Ashlyn said trying to change the subject

"Did you bring me an extra swimsuit I may of forgot mine " Taylor asked Tyler batting her eyes "why would I bring- ugh just take it" he rolled his eyes

"Hey wanna swim with me Taylor?" Aiden offered "uh duh but beware I'm terrible at it" she giggled

Aiden and Taylor were racing in the lake splashing water at each other and just having a good time

Ben was floating in the water
Tyler was lying in the sun and Logan was sitting on a float

Ashlyn had her feet in the water while she sat on the edge and stared at Aiden and Taylor intensely 

𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐲𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

Taylor's my friend I shouldn't feel like this about her of all people aiden and her are just playing innocently

Right?  I shouldn't be jealous can't really blame him she actually spends time on her appearance and it shows

I think Tyler noticed me staring and came over

"Trust me the last person Taylor sees that way is Aiden" "I'm pretty sure he's just being a wing man for Ben"

"Maybe your right" I smiled as he walked off

I mean I guess it does make more sense for her to be into Ben based on how they look at each other

𝐍𝐨 𝐩𝐨𝐯

"Hey we should start heating up the food" Tyler screamed over at the rest of them

One by one they all got out of the water and got changed

"Fast food is life" Taylor said shoving French fries into her mouth
Ben and Logan nodded agreeing

After eating they roasted marshmallows told scary stories and called it a night

There were four tents Ben and Aiden in the first Logan and Tyler in the second Ashlyn and Taylor in the third while the fourth was empty

Taylor woke up and went outside for some fresh air to see Ben sitting outside too doing nothing besides sitting with his thoughts

"Ben?" She whispered he jerked up but waved hi "sorry was I being loud" he wrote on his note pad

"No your good I just wanted some fresh air but what are you doing"
"Aiden's scary stories kept me up" he texted her looking kind of embarrassed

"I can stay in the extra tent with you if it helps a little" Ben nodded and the both went to lie down in the tent

They both  decided to text instead of Taylor talking as to not wake anyone up

Today was pretty fun

Of course it was ur here 😙

Aw thanks Tay and thanks for choosing to stay with me

"Any time hun" she whispered out loud looking at him while she played with his hair

𝐁𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯

School bus graveyard One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now