"Another one bites the dust"

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I saw a TikTok saying "Tyler and Aiden who's next :(" so this is based on that

Ben's pov

We were trying to explore the asylum more so to cover ground better we spilt up

Not classic horror movie every one goes  alone— no okay we're not stupid after months of this "okay Logan you push Tyler and cover hallway 1b and 1a I'll go with Aiden and get 2a and 2b Ben and Taylor you guys get 3a and 3b" Ashlyn commanded us

I gave Taylor a smile as she walked over to me she grabbed by hand and led me over

It was silent for a while until Taylor said something "Maybe one of these days we'll finally get to be normal kids"

"𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞" I signed she kept ranting to me about how it was alone in the rooms they put us all in "I feel like I'm going insane in there, don't you?"

I nodded and we kept looking "Ah Ben I think is see something on that shelf up there" "can you get it I'll keep a watch" She turned around looking for phantoms

"AGCK!"  I heard Taylor yelp from behind me I turned around and yelled "TAYLOR!" I didn't even realize when I had done it I was so focused on what happened

A phantom had stabbed her near her collar bone worryingly close to her heart I stabbed in in the face then slashed it's body I picked up Taylor

And headed back to Tylers room since that's where we all were before

"Whose voice is that" I heard Tyler over the walkie-talkies "that's Ben's voice"
"Ben is everything okay back there?" Ashlyn stuttered "no no it's Taylor"

"MEET US BACK IN TYLERS ROOM!" aiden yelled this time and I heard ash wince

"Were here what's wrong" Logan said huffing and puffing Then he gasped seeing me trying to bandage up Taylor

Part of the phantoms nail was still in impaled in her "TAYLOR!" Tyler yelled at the grousome sight of his twin sister covered in blood

"WHAT HAPPENED BEN!" I picked up my pencil and started writing "FOR FUCKS SAKE CANT YOU TALK" 
Tyler realized what he said

"I mean- it I- can you write faster!" I threw the paper at him and continued bandaging up Taylor but then she woke up

"I'm fine Ty can you stop yelling" she said woozily before slipping back into a state of semi-consciousness from the sedative Ashlyn gave her so she wouldn't feel when I removed the phantom's claw

"God I can't watch this anymore" Ashlyn turned her head the other way
Finally I was done, I lifted Taylor so she was sitting up

We waited in the room deciding to leave scavenging for tomorrow it has been a while and every few minutes Tyler would check if she had woken up

Or yell at me for not being more careful finally Taylor woke up

She smiled at Tyler "jeez were really bad at staying alive" trying to laugh it off but sstill as woozy as earlier

"Taylor!" Tyler probably would've ran over to her if he could've "if you ever die again I'll kill you" he sniffed obviously trying to blink back tears

"Another one bites the dust" Aiden sang and Ashlyn nudged him "too soon?" "it'll always be too soon" Tyler snarled

559 words hopefully Taylor isn't actually next but I have a feeling it'll be her

Thanks for reading!!

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