The fight

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Request from Tylen0l_

Tyler's pov

If you were to ask me I'd say science is the only tolerable subject and the one I'm best at so when I heard that we had a science pop quiz I was pretty confident despite the fact I was annoyed that it was on a Friday

I took the test confidently and afterward jokingly bragged to Taylor about how good my grade would be

Well when I checked my email it said I had gotten a C+ (78% right) and needed to see the teacher after class on Monday

I was pretty much  ready to scream but I tried some breathing exercises Ben also does, to calm me down it worked well in the moment

After school, I had a baseball game which I thought would help me get my mind off things

No pov

"Woo go Tyler"  His twin sister excitedly shouted from the stands. It was Tyler's turn. He got up with his glove in hand just to see the person pitching the ball was Barron

Barron chuckled and gave the easiest throw in history so obviously the person on the opposition team swung their bat and hit it perfectly three times three times in a row

the half inning was over so they got a small break Tyler went over to give Barron a piece of his mind "Seriously what was that you were doing that on purpose" "Coach Tyler isn't being a good sport and he's saying I suck" Barron whined

"What no I wasn't trying t-" "That's enough Tyler you've been in a mood all day you and Barron are two of our best players we don't need you two arguing"

"Yes sir," Barron said before going to talk to his friends "Tsk suck up" Tyler mumbled "That's it Tyler you're benched for the rest of the week, and another word from you and I can make the rest of the season"

Tyler sighed as he sat down. After what felt like forever the game ended and they could go home but before they all went their separate ways Logan stopped Tyler

Taylor stopped too as she needed to wait for Tyler "What Logan?" Tyler said 
"ah well I just wanted to know if you could hang out" Logan asked fidgeting with his fingers "Ooooh love birds" Taylor teased "no I'm good" Tyler was very blunt before grabbing Taylors hand to pull her away

Logan raced after them "w-wait what's wrong ty?" Logan made them stop "It's nothing seriously back off "your just acting weird Tyler you know you can tell me" Logan said worried

"Stop clinging on to me can I really even trust you with everything Logan?" Tyler scoffed "what's that supposed to mean? of course you can" "you'll just go blabbing to Noah since that's all you ever do is talk about him nowadays"

"W-w What are you implying" Logan fumbled over his words "can you fucking stop with that stupid stutter?" Tyler said annoyed

"Ty what the heck apologize right now" Taylor yelled at him "god Taylor you can let fix everything just stay in your lane for once" "I-" Taylor started but was quickly interrupted by Tyler turning his attention to Logan now

"you know exactly what I mean by that Logan" "you know I'm not cheating plus that's rich considering you just let literally anyone flirt with you without correcting them"

"I'm not ready to come out I can't just say 'oh sorry I have a boyfriend' " "I'm not asking you to out yourself I'm just saying don't let them basically make out with you" Logan started tearing up

"Your kidding you know I wouldn't do that you" "ya well I don't know how good I really know you anymore" Logan stormed off with tears in his eyes

Tyler shouted "your so sensitive" so he'd hear from afar but Taylor dragged him away

"Listen ty I know your in a bad mood but you could've at least tried the breathing exercises I showed you to calm down you shouldn't have lashed out on him like that"

"I'm sorry Just because they help Ben doesn't mean they'll help me"
"I'm not the one you owe an apology" Taylor said walking up stairs "I was being sarcastic"

"I know you still need to apologize" she yelled to him

Taylor pov (in the phantom dimension)

I explained the argument to the other three since Aiden was confused about the tension in the air for the most part everyone was silent besides Ashlyn and Aiden talking

I was texting Ben we had a bet about how long it'd take Tyler to apologize I said tomorrow he said tonight

Tyler abruptly stood up and walked over to me "I'm really sorry Tay I shouldn't of said those things" then he bent down to whisper in my ear "can you apologize for Logan for me?"

"Nope!" "Please Tay it's embarrassing" he whisper yelled at me I shook my head

He finally walked over to Logan to apologize

Logan's pov

I got up to talk to Tyler I assumed he'd apologize to me so that way I could let it go but if he wanted to he would've especially since he just apologized to Taylor "Logan" "Tyler" we said it at the same time

"Oh uh you go first" Tyler said nervously

"I think we should break up" "oh uhm yaa I was gonna say that too" Tyler started taking deep breaths weird but whatever I guess he went back to sit next to Taylor and I could hear them whispering about something

935 words

thanks for reading!!
Also they'll still be dating in the next one shot I write of them bc I don't feel like writing a make up chapter

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