Anniversary or...

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𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯

Tyler's life was so much harder and more stressful then mine considering he had to take care of me and had no time for fun

So I always felt a little dramatic complaining but I was just so tired

today was the anniversary of when dad died mom couldn't remember Tyler pretended it didn't exist but dad was my rock and my best friend

Tyler was off at baseball practice like it was nothing so I was hanging out with the group trying to forget what today is

Why did this happen to me what did I do to deserve it I was nice to everyone even people who didn't deserve my kindness

I get good grades I eat  healthy I work hard but he died when I was just a seven year old trying to live her childhood

Trying to have a normal life,

people who aren't appreciative of what they have don't get it taken away but I was, and I loved him more then anything

I snapped out of my thoughts when when Ben tapped my shoulder because  it was my turn in uno

before I placed down my card there was a knock on Ashlynn's bedroom door

"Hey trooper your mom and I are going out so don't stay up too late for us" It was her dad

"mhm bye I'll see you tomorrow morning" She said not really paying him much attention

"Oh come on no goodbye hug?" She got up and gave him a quick hug before waving goodbye

The hug from her father that I strived from mine. Her dad closed the door and we went back to playing

But I felt a lump in my throat, I got up and said I needed to use the bathroom but you could hear in my voice that I was about it cry

At that point I didn't care I just wanted to leave before they saw me burst into tears

"Is she okay?" Logan asked Ashlynn got up to go check on her "I'll go see"

Back to Taylor's pov

I locked the bathroom door and had my back up against the door as I sobbed just sobbed completely

There was a knock "whose there" I sniffled

A note slipped through the small crack under the door "it's me Ashlynn I wanted to check up on you" the note read with a little sad face drawn on it

I opened the door and tried to hide my tears "what's wrong Taylor?" Ashlyn asked

"Nothing I'm fine just go back to playing" "im not leaving you till you say what's wrong"

"hm maybe the fact like assholes like you think their entitled to knowing everything so I'm 𝑺𝒐 sincerely sorry that I have human emotions"

"And I'm so fucking sorry that not everyone has two loving parents they get to constantly spend time with"

I yelled her I honestly don't know why I guess I just needed to get the anger out I know it wasn't her fault

I realized my words and stormed off I shouldn't of done that I shouldn't of said that but I was to sad to care enough to apologize

532 words
idk if this counts as angst but it was fun 2 write!

Thanks for reading

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