Just a picture

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Requested by hylnli

Logan pov

I was cleaning my grandparent's room as a surprise for them when they got home but when I got to the drawers I opened them to see something unfamiliar

I picked up the picture staring at it for a little it was a couple's wedding based on the dress and the suit plus the venue they were at looked fancy although the couple did look crazy young

Eventually, I used my common sense to flip it to the back for some more information June 18 1999 huh only two years before I was born

I looked a bit more down "Congrats Ryan and now Trinity Fields!" (made-up names btw since nothing is canon for his parents) Wait were these my parents

I was curious, I know I shouldn't have but I did a Google search of the names
An address popped up and an Instagram account with some pictures 

So they were alive grandma and Grandpa always said they had passed, alive but They didn't want me, alive but I was dumped off with my grandparents, alive but I was stuck in foster care for years till they could find relatives

To know that your own parents are living happily when your stuck living with your grandparents feeling awkward when someone says the word parents

I've always been unwanted I've always been kind of the floater friend I know my friends disregard me in comparison to literally anyone else but this was so much different

I stopped cleaning and went over to my room I saw my phone lying down on my bed I picked it up to see quite a few notifications from the group chat

Maybe I could talk to them to forget about the whole parent situation

History group

The onceler: Aiden WTF change my name back I don't even understand what the name is supposed to mean

Taylor: cuz the onceler kills trees Tyler

Aiden: get it :p

The onceler I actually hate you

Logan: hi guys!

𝑫𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 7:21pm

It's fine maybe the were busy

Just when I texted immediately in that moment it's honestly fine I tossed my phone to the side and dove into my bed

368 words thanks for reading and thanks for requesting I'll make a request page so I can do the requests I get more often!

Continued version

Logan pov

By the time I woke up, we were in the phantom dimension

"You know, no matter how many times we transport here ill never get used to it" Tyler groaned as he laid down in the empty bus

Taylor sat down in the seat next to me "hey you okay you look a little down"

"Oh it's nothing" then we were both silent for a little "well uhm actually I found out my parents are alive"

She looked confused for a minute then I added some context so she'd understand

"My grandparents always told me they passed but this means that they just didn't want me"

"There was probably different circumstances, you know? I mean who wouldn't want you" she ruffled my hair

"I guess so" "hey it's their loss anyways" she gave me a smile "oh by the way you should text in the group chat more often"

Tyler looked over his seat to us "seriously even Ashlyn texts more that you"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ashlyn replied defensively "exactly what it sounds like"

The group laughed mainly Aiden laughing like a hyena though

"Well I texted today" I said "no you didn't" Ben wrote on his note pad "did you guys not get it" "you just didn't text" Aiden shrugged

I held up my phone to show the message I sent "ooohh" Taylor said "that's the old group chat those messages are old remember"

"Ya we stopped using that one because I wasn't in it thanks to Tyler" Ashlyn said annoyed "I didn't mean to remove" Tyler groaned

Later Taylor showed me the new one they use it made me feel better knowing they didn't choose to ignore me

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