Chapter 17

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          Cleaning all night and waiting for kids to slide down to fun is surely exciting! Gosh, I waited so long for them to come back! It has been even longer for them than it was for me, because of repairs and all that. But they are just little children! They have their own fun, either alone or with each other. I wonder if they missed me already!

          Looking at the clock, I couldn't miss seeing that it was four in the morning. Hmm, already? How time flies! Fast, fast, it goes... Well, the 'Superstar Daycare' opens at 6:20 AM, and I am already ready! I have more than two whole hours more to wait! I could do something until then. I don't want to go and bother Glamrocks. They have shows today. I wonder if they are done with preparations for the new start again.

          Wonder where is Moondrop as well. He should be back by now! Does he not want to see all the kids again after such a long time? Is he not excited about that? I thought he wanted his job back! He has it now! Even more than needed, so where is he already? Yeah, I know there are still two hours to spend, but shouldn't he at least be around here? Maybe talk to me about some things first?

          I am questioning if he is even going to show up today... Could he still be mad about what happened some time ago? I can hold a grudge for a long time, but not forever! It is just not worth it sometimes. I suppose that it is very understandable to be extremely angry and upset after dying... But everything can be talked out calmly and nicely! Can it not? We just need to calm down and have a conversation about everything...

          That's it. I will not just sit in the ball-pit and pity both of us! What did crying and waiting bring me so far? Hmm? Nothing! Absolutely nothing but very uncomfortable situations and terrible outcomes! It's good and healthy to take time for some things to clear your head a bit, but time itself won't solve anything. Some people already knew that fact. Some were told how it goes, and some learned the hard way. I learned the hard way.

          No more waiting for things to solve themselves while I pretend they aren't there. I don't want anyone to be hurt by my ignorance anymore. Now, I will get up, walk out of the Daycare, and start searching for my Moony. He doesn't seem to want to just fly in my hands himself, so I will get him myself. I am finally ready for reasonableness and giving the full explanation in this upcoming, long conversation.

          I was passing by Freddy's room, and I saw him cleaning his table in there, so I thought that I might go and ask him if he saw Moon anywhere near or passing by by any change. Someone has to see him! He walks around. He isn't a shadow.


          I called him and waved at him while smiling friendly and happy like always. Freddy waved back at me, and he got out of his room. He was quick to say hi back!

🐻- Hello there, Sun! What brings you here? Why are you in such a hurry, I see? - He questioned with a cheerful smile on his bright as usual face.

🌞- Well, Freddy, since I'm supposed to be opening my Daycare soon, I became worried because Moon is still not showing up! - I started explaining.

🐻- Moondrop, you say? - His face frowned a bit.

🌞- So, I was wondering if you could have spotted him anywhere! Have you seen him anywhere recently?

🐻- Oh, I sure did see him! - He looked angry. - And we had a lil' chat too.

🌞- Oh! Really!?

🐻- Yes. You know, Sun, you had all right to do what you did.

🌞- What?

🐻- Sorry to tell you at such a random moment, but he tried to kill Gregory a few hours ago.

🌞- HE TRIED WHAT!? - I screamed in disbelief.

🐻- I know! I didn't wanna believe at first either! Gregory went to the roof to watch the stars, and I heard him scream. When I came up there, I saw Moon choking him. When I confronted him about it, he pretended he didn't know what's happening! Imagine that!

🌞- Oh my... I-I don't know how to react to that! Where is he now!?

🐻- I'm not sure. He left first.

🌞- Ah, okay... Well, thank you for that information anyway, Freddy. Amd I hope Gregory recovers from his injuries soon! You can always bring him to the Daycare if he feels lonely!

🐻- Of course, of course. Thank you.

🌞- No worries! I'll... Search for Moon again.

🐻- Be careful.

🌞- I will...

          Oh, dear Moony... What did you do? Why did you do that... I thought you promised... Freddy mentioned that Moon said he didn't remember anything happening. Hmm... Could it be like that one time... I don't know. It's not mine to theorise what happened here! I need to find him as soon as possible and talk with him about this. Only he knows what is going on in that head. Not even I can tell that anymore. Not anymore.

          I spent around forty minutes trying to find Moondrop, but he was nowhere to be seen. But right when I was about to give up, turn around and get back to get ready to open the Daycare, I spotted him! Yes! I finally found him! But... He didn't look alright. As I was getting closer, he seemed to have... Blood on his hands.

🌞- Moon...?

🌜- AGH! - He jumped in surprise.

🌞- Moon, it's okay! It's me!

🌜- Sun? What are you doing here?

🌞- I'm looking for you this whole time! Where have you been?

🌜- I don't... I don't know.

🌞- You don't... What do you mean you don't know?

🌜- I don't know, Sun! I don't know anything anymore! I don't know what I'm doing, who is talking to me, where I am, nothing! It's all just a lie!

🌞- A lie...

        He turned away from me and looked at his hands. He shook them and then hugged himself. What is going on here? I haven't seen him for a week and this is what welcomes me? I need to know what happened.

🌞- Hey, Moon, it's fine! I'm ready to be reasonable with you and talk about everything. I'm sorry.

🌜- Oh, you chose to be reasonable now...

🌞- Come on, Moony! You can't hold a grudge forever! I don't want us to argue.

🌜- ...

🌞- ...?

🌜- No.

🌞- No? What do you mean 'no'?

🌜- I mean no. I don't think it's the best time to solve it right now.

🌞- When is it gonna be then?

🌜- I don't know, but it's not now. It's gonna take time and the Daycare opens in less than an hour. You don't wanna be late the first day, do you?

🌞- No...

🌜- I'm sorry, Sun. Not today.

🌞- Are you still mad...?

🌜- ... No.

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