Bon fire

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As promised.. I will (eventually) finish this story. I will do my best to upload at least a couple chapters in the next week for all you who have been waiting. I had to go back and reread my book so I could try and remember what I was thinking when I posted last. I will also start going back through and fixing chapters with the spelling errors and grammar mistakes that I can catch. But here is a short chapter


I walked as confidently as I could to the rest of the family and set down the extra spoons. They were still all spread out in small clusters around the fire. The youngest two were goofing off making Tara laugh at their antics. Garrette and Gavvine were taking the rest of the steaks off the grill and Jiro was with.. Warric. They were standing off to the side by the house in the same spot I overheard them talking a few minutes ago. I plastered a huge fake smile on my face and declared that it was time to eat. "Hurry up and get in line boys! No shoving! We made enough for you all to eat like elephants." A small, real, laugh escaped as I was watching them try and all get in line at once and three of them ended up on the ground in a tangled heap.

Hackett popped up from the ground and beelined it to the plates. "Hey I'm the youngest! I get to be in line first!" As he was reaching for a plate he was elbowed out of the way by Oakley.

"No way! I'm 3 minutes younger than you! I get to eat first!" He declared proudly and triumphantly grabbing the top plate and rushing to the food. With a huff Hackett just grabbed another plate and took off after him where the debate between them continued.

Hearing two more groans I look over to see Kennard and Garrette still on the ground and they started laughing, helping each other up and getting into line behind their brothers. Tara just stood off to the side watching everyone with wide eyes and laughing. Probably thankful she wasn't trampled on the way to the food line.

Jiro beckoned for her to join the line in front of him and she danced over and grabbed a plate for them both. I just watched everyone getting their food and heading to the tables set up near the fire. Instead of getting a plate I just went to sit down at an empty seat to join in on the conversations.

"I think I'm in heaven! Food shouldn't taste this good! Seriously Thena, you cook like a goddess!" Oak shouted with his mouth full. 

"EEW, Oak, don't talk with your mouth full. You're spitting food all over" I scolded him with a smile.

"You aren't eating?" Hackett asked with a frown.

"No, not-" I started to say I wasn't eating yet. I just didn't feel hungry. A plate appeared on the table in front of me with a little of everything on it and my steak was already cut into small bite sized pieces.

"Shes eating." The growled reply came sending tingles down my spine with how close he was. When I turned to look at him, he was already stalking to the other table to sit with Jiro and Tara. Everyone got really quiet for a few heartbeats eyes wide looking at him before he grumbled out a "what" and everyone went back to their food.

Confused, I started picking at my plate. I really wasn't hungry because my stomach was in knots about the bond breaking ceremony. I wasn't going to think about that now. I would cry, again. Enough with the tears already! How much can one person seriously cry! I tried to ignore the looks everyone was giving me and just smiled best I could and joined back in the conversation.

The whole time I could feel his eyes on me and did my best to ignore the feeling. After a few minutes everyone started to finish their plates and was tossing them into the fire. I took mine with me to the grill not wanting anyone to notice that I didn't really eat and started to get the fruit ready for the grill. The butter was already softened so I mixed in some sugar and cinnamon in it and brushed the peaches with it before putting them on the grill. After a few minutes on each side, I put them into bowls and drizzled them with honey and added a scoop of ice cream. I loaded them onto the tray and took them over to hand out. I walked around and let them all grab their bowls, and they dug in straight away. As I passed Warric his bowl I avoided eye contact and hurriedly went onto the next hungry wolf. After all the bowls were accounted for and there were no more on the tray, I sat down on one of the logs across the fire from him.

This was going to be a long night.

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