Unintentional eavesdropping

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Here is another small chapter. There isn't a lot of dialog but it has a lot of Warric in his own head. 


I couldn't stop looking at her. I'm sure I was being a creep; I mean come on. I was probably staring. When everyone was getting their plates, I noticed straight away she just went and sat down. She didn't get in line and get a plate. My wolf was in a panic. He is already uneasy and moody over the thought of the conversation I am going to have to have with her. He understands that being human she could die, but he can't get past the point of he has a mate and he wants her. I was last in line and grabbed two plates. I have no idea what she actually likes since I was always focused on other things and being an ass. I guess just a small scoop of everything she made will have to do. I cut her steak for her, I have no idea why, but I just felt like I needed to. 

My wolf was aggravated that his mate did not have food, so I just sat the plate in front of her and growled that she was eating. Yeah, real smooth there buddy. Way to win her over. After I sat down, I realized that everyone was staring at me in shock. Was I really that much of an asshole that me doing something nice for her would shock them that much? Finally, everyone went back to eating and I kept stealing glances at her when she wasn't looking. I tried to keep up with the light and happy conversation at my table, but I couldn't concentrate. I just kept seeing in my mind her leaning over the stump back in Possum Trot and that crazy Alpha waiving the sword around. I now know he was just bored and was putting a little flair in his attempt to knock some sense into me. I talked it over with him and he told me how it was just more fun to do it that way since I have a thick skull that has to come to its own conclusions. Plus, she was his favorite human by far. That thought made my wolf growl, but I reminded him that she was here with us.

"She's still not eating Jiro" Tara whispered worriedly to her mate. I could tell she genuinely cared for her. She was even willing to give up her mate to protect mine. 

I glanced over at her again, she was just pushing food around and taking random small bites. I had just finished my plate as everyone else was finishing theirs. Tara took my plate to the fire with hers and Jiro's and I was heading towards my mate determined to make her eat. Gavvine put his hand on my arm to stop me. "Just leave it for now, brother. She has a lot on her mind." I nodded to him and went to the stumps around the fire. I sat where I could watcher. Soon the smells of grilled peaches were overpowering the smell of the fire, and she came over with heaping bowls of grilled peaches and ice cream. When she got to me, she wouldn't even look at me. She looked warn and sad. Why was she so sad? I almost whimpered out loud. 

One of the boys brought out the radio and started playing some music. They started waltzing around the fire together while they were laughing and tripping over their feet. Oakley grabbed Athena and pulled her to her feet. She started laughing while being spun in circles and into the arms of one of my other brothers. They just kept stealing her from each other and after a while she plopped back down by a log with her back resting against it.

"No more! I'm so dizzy I might puke!" She shouted laughingly.

I smiled watching her and my brothers even if I had wanted to steal her away from them and dance with her. I can't dance so that is just a ridiculous thought. I also envied Jiro sitting with his mate close by with his arm around her and her head resting on his shoulder while talking softly to each other and smiling to each other.

I could never have that. My mate could die just by being with me.. And I would die without her. I pushed the thought of that conversation out of my mind and the possibility of needing the council if she wanted to break the bond and what would happen after. My wolf would go insane and I would have to be put down.

Jiro and Tara were the first to leave the fire. The other boys breaking out the liquor. I stole another look to my mate seeing she was asleep against the log. I was on my feet and walking to her without even a thought and lifting her into my arms.

"I'm taking her inside to bed. Shes exhausted." I said when everyone stopped and looked at me. They just nodded and resumed their party once I was back inside. She snuggled deeper into my arms with a sigh as I carried her to my room. I was going to have one night with my mate by my side before I could never have her again. I don't even care how mad she is at me in the morning when she wakes up next to me.

I pulled the blanket back and settled her in the middle of the bed, pulled her shoes off and after quickly changing into a pair of pajama pants crawled in the bed and pulled her into my arms. The electric current that says she is mine flowed and made my whole-body tingle. I kissed her head and fell asleep without another thought.

I expected to wake up to my beautiful mate in my arms. However, that was not the case. I woke up to a cold and empty bed. I heard voices downstairs and decided to follow the sound of her voice. I quickly brushed my teeth and dressed in a simple v neck and jeans before rushing out of my room. Just before the stairs I told myself to slow down. 

"Do you think he's going to talk to you today?" I heard one of the boys ask quietly. They must not know I'm within hearing distance. 

"I don't know Garrette. I'm sure he has other more important things to do as Alpha. I don't want to bring up what happened and what I should expect now." She sniffled a little like she was going to cry and was going to rush down and sweep her into my arms when her next words stopped me cold. "Do you know what a bond breaking ceremony is?" It was asked so softly I almost didn't hear it. She must have heard me talking to Jiro. Crap.

"How did you know about that!" Gavvine asked in a hushed voice.

"I - ah- accidently overheard your brother saying something about calling the council for it. " She sounded defeated.

Everyone else was whispering things it all sounded jumbled together and I couldn't make out what anyone was saying. What I did know was that they sounded pissed. Double crap. They don't know that I was going to give her the choice. They just thought I was going to call them and get it over with.

Instead of being a creepy stalker any longer I made my presence known coming down the stairs. All the hushed voices stopped, and everyone was looking at me with mixed expressions as I stepped off the last step. I just plastered a smile on my face, which everyone knew was totally fake.

"Good morning beautiful" I gave her a kiss on her forehead surprising not only her but everyone else that was sitting around the island. "Everyone.." I gave them all a nod.

"Coffee Warric?" I heard her ask, recovering before anyone else.

"AAAHH yes, thank you!" I took the mug she offered me and started to head to my office. Mostly to hide but I did have work to be done too, unfortunately. " Let me know when breakfast is done?" 

"Of course!" She sounded surprised with my happy attitude. It was all fake, but I was seriously trying here. I really am an ass. I know how horrible I have always been to her, but I want to show her different before I actually talk to her. I don't want her to make a life altering discissions without knowing that I really do care. 

Then I hightailed it to the safety of my office. Which was stupid because I knew I would not be able to work and all I would be able to think about is going and staring at my mate for as long as she would let me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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