PaW Aftermath

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Just wanted to clear this up a little... No Athena is NOT a werewolf... If she was then she would know about them because she would be able to turn into a fuzzy thing with 4 legs and a wagging tail. Kennard was scared and he lashed out. And I know it switched from third person to Athena... I had on there a POV switch but for some reason that didnt save and i didn't realize. Thank you for all of your votes... I have made it to #15 in Werewolf and #76 in Romance. Much love to you all -invades your personal bubble- okay thats enough hugs ♥

Athena POV

His breathing was starting to even out so I knew he was calm enough to get him outta there. I pulled out of his arms and he let out a low wimper at me. I just grabbed his hand and led him out of the room and down the hall to his own door. He followed me in almost a daze into his room and into his bathroom. I held onto his hand gently where his grip was like steel. I turned his shower on and then went to his dresser to pick out some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Warric followed me back to his bathroom where he just stood there looking puzzled like he didn't know what he was supposed to do.

I tried to hide my laughter and told him "You take a shower and I will go warm lunch back up and bring it to you." He just nodded his head still looking clueless. "I will be back..." and with that I went to re heat the sandwiches.

I paused in the hall by Oakley's door when I heard shuffling behind it and quietly grabbed the handle, turning it slowly so they didn't know. I then pushed the door forward quickly hearing identical oof's and thumps on the floor. I just closed the door and walked down to the kitchen.

I took the tomatoes and spinach off and put them back in the oven making sure to have extras. I called the others down to the kitchen to get their lunch and for Oakley and Hackett to come down with their food that I was sure was only half eaten. I grabbed two plates and went upstairs into Warric's room.

I could still hear the shower running so I sat down on his bed and set the plates on his nightstand to wait.

Warric POV (Lets see what he is thinking)

My shower was taken in a haze. I cant really remember what happened since I walked into the house. All I can remember is confusion, anger, and the need to draw blood. Then there is more confusion. Was she really in my arms? Or did I imagine it?

My wolf was howling in pleasure at the thought of the little spitfire human in our arms. the steam from the shower intensified her scent in the confined space. Warm cinnamon and jasmine were making my head spin so I quickly rinsed off and got out drying myself with the towels hanging from the shower door.

After I finished in the bathroom I stepped into my room and froze. Athena... Or Thena as the rest called her was curled in a ball on my bed snuggled into my pillows. There were two plates on my night stand with sandwiches and chips. One had chocolate covered fried pig skins -my body shuddered in disgust at that- and the other had my personal favorite cheese doritos with sour cream on the side.

Huh... Wonder how she knew that.

My stomach was grumbling at me to eat so i took my plate to my desk to devour my lunch. I can't believe how well she cooks and how lucky we were to have her here. The house is spotless... Even the bedrooms. Laundry is always done and put away. And the guys clean up after themselves.

Even with how well she fits in she is still human and is dangerous to keep her here. I will talk to Jiro after dinner about her moving on. She already has money that I paied her for working here and I'll give her another 2500$ to make sure she has enough to get by.

I had finished both my sandwich and hers along with my chips when i stopped my inner thoughts. I left her chocolate pig skins... Yuck. My wolf was getting pissy with me again from my thoughts of after dinner so i went over to my bed and sprawled out on the other side. She looked peaceful and i bet she was exhausted from earlier so i left her. I was asleep in minutes.


I did most of this on my phone with a shattered screen so It's way shorter and there are probably a baggillion errors. But until next week.... Muah-hahaha! Let me know your thoughts :)

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