PaW Groceries and Trolleys

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The look on Jiro's face was priceless when he seen my car. Laughing to myself I remembered the horrified look on his face. He then called it a death trap and called the local tow company for them to haul it to his house with strict instructions for the boys. 'DO NOT touch it. OR look at it. OR pick the locks. OR break anything.' So basically they were to pretend it didnt exist. The last two kinda freaked me out a little bit. Not gonna lie... He actually has to tell them not to pick the locks or break my car!

So I was now sitting on the very comfortable seat in his truck. Man this thing had the works! Too bad this version of the works didnt come with pickles. Im kinda hungry. It does have GPS, heated seats, and automatic everything you could think of. (without the pickles) We drove in silence for a few minutes, the only sounds were the truck engine and did he just sniff me again? Why does it seem like he keeps sniffing me like a dog smelling the air for something yummy? Thats just strange. Do I stink? I sniffed my arm not smelling anything. Shrugging I turned back to the window to enjoy the view.

"Umm..." His voice broke the silence so I turned to face him."We dont have any groceries in the house so... ah..." he glanced my way with a hopeful look on his face.

Not wanting him to go on with more details I interrupted him, "Well I am going to need cleaning supplies anyways since I'm sure you dont have any..." A shake of his head confirmed my suspicions so I just continued. " We can just get groceries at the same time and save gas."

When he glanced back at me I turned my innocent but deadly smile on him. This was going to be fun on my part but sheer torture to this poor male specimen. I giggled evilly, he looked at me almost nervously and it make me laugh harder. "What? Its going to be fun!"

"Maybe for you" he muttered back as we pulled into the parking lot of the local market.

"Bonus! Woot Woot!" I shouted doing a little happy dance shaking my ass and waving my hands in the air like i just dont care in the front seat. " What? Don't look at me like Im crazy. The parking lot is almost empty, which means the store is all MINE! Insert evil laugh.... AAAAHHH-HaHA!"

"Insert evil laugh? Seriously?"He rolled his eyes at me... wait, he rolled his eyes at me like a teen girl... Note to self: acts like teen girl, pull out info to embarrass as needed. "You are strange. But will be like a breath of fresh air around the house."

I ignored that last comment storing it away to think about later as I jumped out of the truck and skipped inside the store and grabbed two carts. Hmm, I think Ill call them trolleys. Sounds more sophisticated. Trolley trolley trolley I sang in my head. What is taking him so long? "Ugh! hurry up slowpoke! Walk faster so we can get this show on the road!" He was taking his time. And I was becoming impatient. "Jeeeerrrr-ooooooooooo!" I called to him.

After he caught up I handed him a trolley. "Do we really need two carts?" he asked.

"Well of course silly" I said with a hint of duh in my voice. "We dont want to get cleaner mixed with our food." and with that I walked off into the store knowing that he would follow.

We walked down the isles with the cleaning supplies with him just following me and muttering about girls and shopping. I threw everything in the cart er trolley that had disinfect and antibacterial on the label until it was almost full saying that yes, I did need everything because it could mean life or death. Germs... eeww.

Once I had all the cleaning supplies I needed including mops and brooms and a pair of Hello Kitty cleaning gloves, I went in search of an employee.

"Hey! Hey you!" I yelled to the worker. He looked to be about 16 years old with light brown hair and brown eyes to match. He was about just under 6 foot but I could tell he was still growing into himself considering his long lanky frame and lack of coordination and tripping over huge feet. "Hi " I said smiling when he walked over to us. His eyes were round staring at the brick of a man next to me. His eyes snapped to the floor and shifted his feet looking nervous.

"How can i help you ma'm?" he asked quietly.

"First... I am not a ma'm.. "

"Sorry, what can I help you with" the boy mumbles back with a slight blush.

"Can you please with a cherry on top take this to the front for me so I can finish my shopping?"

"How much longer!" Jiro whined. The boy looked really nervous now.

I ignored him and kept my attention on the brown haired boy "Please?"

The boy nodded saying that was no problem at all and took away my 'trolley full of death' well for germs. OOh great idea! With a devious smile I jumped into the remaining cart grabbing one of the mixing spoons on the end cap. "Jiro! Take control of the trolley! And Charge!" I giggled and then proceeded to yell," The British are coming!" and held the spoon out in front of me like I was charging into battle.

Nothing happened so I turned to face Jiro to see him holding back his own laughter. "Athena Celeste, are you serious?" and the deep laughter boomed into the store when I just gave him a serious look and put my battle face back on.


**Jiro POV**

This girl was hilarious. And beyond gorgeous with her waist length golden hair and shining green eyes. She couldnt be more than 5foot tall, tan, and had curves in all the right places. Long muscular legs with her short jean shorts and army green tank top. Warric was going to have a fit that I hired her. But we need help and Im tired of ordering pizza.

Athena Celeste stopped in front of me and I caught her scent again as it wafted towards me. She smells like jasmine and cinnamon and it drove my wolf crazy even if she wasn't my mate. Yeah, Im a werewolf or shifter. I'm the beta in my pack, Warric being my Alpha. He is away on business and I took the opportunity that presented itself to hire her. Well my wolf wouldn't stop buggin me to go into the coffee shop today and led me to her. I thought she was my mate at first so I took a good long sniff at her. He purred in pleasure at her scent but we knew it wasnt her.

Her voice broke into my thoughts "Can you please with a cherry on top take this to the front for me so I can finish my shopping?" She smiled and batted her long lashes at the poor young boy who looked like he was about ready to throw up out of nervousness. Hmm, he feels her aura demanding respect also.

I was ready to be done with shopping and it showed in my voice, "How much longer," I whined. Ignoring my behavior she stood there watching until he was around the corner.

Without warning she smiled deviously at me and jumped into the cart with a huge spoon. "Jiro! Take control of the trolley! And Charge!" she giggled "The British are coming!" she yelled looking like she was going to charge into the middle of some imaginary battle with the spoon as her weapon.

I didnt even know how to respond but when she turned to me looking so serious I was holding back my laughter "Athena Celeste, Are you serious?" The only response was her turning back to her imaginary battle and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I laughed and I laughed hard.

She didn't stop putting groceries in the cart until It was full and another was brought around. "What? I like to cook." She replied skipping away down the isle.

Finally it was time to go. Its 3 hours and 3 carts later and Im amazed, she didnt even have to ask that boy again for help. Him and another youngster quietly followed us to my truck and started to stack the bags into the back with us handing them up.

The ride home consisted of Athena Celeste bouncing in her seat dancing and singing loudly. She wasnt bad, just VERY loud to my sensitive wolf ears. I wonder what the boys are going to think of her. Are they going to me mad? Or happy that there is a nurturing and gorgeous girl in the house cooking them meals and cleaning up. I know they will all be drooling over her. And the twins will probably get into even more trouble with her by their side.

Well we are almost home so I guess we will find out soon.



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