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Athena POV

After Jiro fell to his knees in pain clutching his chest I knew I had to do something. I had to make it all better because he was a part of my heart. My Family. I couldn’t leave him broken hearted when I was leaving everyone again.

Customers started to come into the diner so I had Oakley help me get Jiro upstairs into my studio, well my old studio. Tara Sue just followed quietly behind me up the stairs. It’s been a good 15 minutes and nobody has said a word. Oak is sitting on the arm of the couch and just looks scared and Jiro looks heartbroken. I know the feeling. The empty feeling in your heart. Tara Sue is looking at the couch cushion she is sitting on trying to be as far away from Jiro on the other side of the small couch.  

I decided to break the silence because I don’t think anyone was planning on saying anything any time soon.

“Tara Sue.” She looked up at me with sad eyes but didn’t say anything. “Let me tell you what happened before you give up your mate because he is my family and I love him. I was going to leave here because I want you both to be happy.”

“Okay, I can listen.” She sniffled a little but didn’t say anything else. I glanced over to Jiro and he looked to me with hope in his eyes.

“Well to start at the beginning… I left home a few months ago. Well to be more specific, they sold the house on me and left while I was working. I came home to a locked door, a sold sign and a note. It simply said ‘We left don’t look for us.’ No sorry or best wishes.”

I heard a gasp and two growls. I looked to see both boys were angry and that Tara Sue was just shocked.

“I had some money saved up from work so I got in my car and left. Drove till I didn’t have any more money. Slept in my car and sometimes stayed a few weeks if I had a job. I always saved up just enough to get me to the next town.” Tara Sue had tears in her in her eyes but I continued on anyways. I knew that Jiro and Oakley were listening because I never told them any of this.

“That’s when Jiro found me and took me home. The first home I had in almost a year. Well, if I could even call living with my parents a home.” I muttered the last part but I knew they all heard me because of their sensitive ears. I didn’t want any interruptions because we were getting to the part on how I knew about them and why they needed to be together, and let me leave them to their lives. I knew they would be better off without me. I was just a human and didn’t fit into their werewolf world.

“Living with the guys was great. They let me clean the house top to bottom and we always had fun. I always won at COD and they hated it.” I smiled a little. It was more of a twitch of my lips but it was real. The first real almost smile in a long time. I started to talk again, not wanting to be interrupted. “The boys became like family to me. The youngest, Oakley and his twin Hackette,” I looked to my Oak. “Then Gavvine and Garrette, also twins. Kennard and then Jiro. All becoming family to me. Even Kennard. He fought against me tooth and claw the whole way but I knew he had a soft spot for me.”

Tara Sue interrupted me looking shocked. “Wow! So many boys! But it sounds like they all loved you very much. I don’t understand why you left?” Her face turned confused.

“They weren’t the reason I left. HE is the reason I left. I am a mere human, weak and a liability. I wasn’t part of the were world and I was never meant to be.” My throat thickened just thinking about HIM.

“Who is he? There is another one! Holy crap that’s 1… 2…(mumble mumble) 6… 7!! Seven guys in one house with just you! How did you survive?” Now she was just being dramatic.

I froze for a second. She wanted to know who HE is. How can I say his name when I can’t even think it?

“Who is this HE?” She caught her train of thought.

“H…HE is W… War” and that is when I broke into tears. Full out sobbing and snotting everywhere.

Everyone jumped off the couch and started towards me. When I seen that they were going to touch me I freaked. I was already falling apart and I knew that if someone touched me I would crumble. I did the only thing I could think of and screamed.

“NOOO DON’T TOUCH ME!!” and with that I passed out again for the second time that day.


Okay so I posted part of a chapter. It was longer but I wasn't happy with it so this is what I had left. I didn't want the other junk my mind had come up with ruining the story.

I also want to apologize cause its been way longer than I had hoped to post anything. Its been kinda rough lately. November 1st was the 1 yr anniversary that my best friend was found murdered (may the dirty scumbag that did it rot in hell). It is also the same month (November 28th) that my other best friend got into a car crash 5 years ago and died. Then this year... in get this... NOVEMBER... my stepmom and once again, best friend, found out that her cancer was back... And it is bad. she had breast cancer and got treated but it has come back everywhere. she has multiple tumors in her chest and pelvic area. They took a mass of 3 tumors from around her spine that were 7 cm in length along her spine. She couldn't walk cause of the pressure it was putting on her nerves. We had a close scare with her where she was put on life support and had blood in her lungs. She must have a pretty kick ass angel cause she pulled through and can almost walk completely on her own.

But happy christmas eve to those of you who celebrate and have a happy holiday season with whatever other holiday you might celebrate if you dont.

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