PaW Tears and Confusion

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Jiro POV

I pulled Oakley to our table and held him while he cried. I was so happy that we found our Thena, and just in time because she looks horrible. She screamed at us and ran. “HE” didn’t want her. I knew that the HE was my brother, Warric. I also remember what he did before she left. Both of the things that he did. Almost killing Kennard because he hurt her, then demanding that she leave and almost killing me.

 The sweet little server brought us our plates and set them down with a small smile. I know she wanted to grill us on info but was raised to be polite. Oakley sat up and scooted to the other side of the table to eat. He was trying to be strong just like I was trying to be strong.

We were done eating but we weren’t ready to leave. We just sat in silence and drank coffee and listened to Thena cry upstairs. I wanted to wait until she was calmer before I went upstairs to talk to her. If I couldn’t talk her into coming back we would leave her alone.

The front door opened just as I was getting ready to take a gulp of coffee and the best scent filled my nose. It was ripe sweet peaches with a hint of cinnamon and it was amazing.  I took a deep breath in and ended up choking on the mouthful of scalding hot coffee in my mouth.

As I’m trying to breathe I turn to the door as I hear a girl yell in a sing song voice. “OH sista! Imma here to SAVE you!” She was beautiful. She looked a little crazy but stunning.

She was a swirl of color and patterns and had the soft jingling of her jewelry following her like music. Her hair was fire and gold curling around her face and down her back in crazy waves.

She spun into the diner and froze mid twirl. “Man it smells amazing in here! What ya’ll cookin’ up in here!” She was sniffing the air like crazy with a hungry look on her face.

The most amazing thing happened. She looked at me. It was this very moment that I knew that she was mine. She was who my wolf was longing for. She was my mate.

“Jiro… HEY JIRO!” I woke from my trance to see my brother snapping his fingers in my face. “Yo dude. What’s wrong? You kinda spaced out and it’s rude to stare.”

I looked at Oakley in confusion for a second before my brain started to function. “She’s my mate Oakley. I found her.” A huge grin spread across my face and I jumped out of my seat and ran to her. She was still standing in the same spot dazed and confused.

Once I was standing in front of her I lost my tongue. I am a beta and I was at a loss of words. I bet I looked stupid with my mouth open waiting for my vocal cords to start working.

I closed my mouth to try and get some moisture back into my dry mouth and was about to say hi when the waitress grabbed her by the arm and started to yank her away.

That there pissed me off. A snarl ripped from my mouth and my chest was vibrating with a low dangerous growl. How dare she handle my mate like that?

A soft sniffle was heard and we all looked to the source. Thena was standing in the doorway watching us. She had an envelope in one hand and a duffel in the other. She started to walk towards us and left her bag by the counter.

We all stood frozen waiting for her next move.

“Here Jiro. This is the money I owe your brother. $400.00.” She couldn’t even look at me.

“What are you talking about? You don’t owe us anything. Just come home.” Oakley blurted out before anyone else could say anything.

Thena ran to my brother and threw her arms around him with tears running down her face. “Oak, honey I can’t go there. I wish it was home but its not. Not anymore.”

“Athena? What’s ya’ll bag for?” The waitress, I should really learn her name, was holding the bag in her hands.

“I’m leaving. I can’t stay here anymore either. I’m sorry Sandy.” She said with a sad smile.

“Why in Hells bells not!” Sandy, the waitress, yelled.

Thena then walked up to me and grabbed my hand and walked over to my mate. She took her hand and placed it in mine and stepped back. “Because they are mates. They found each other.”

“HUH?” Sandy looked even more confused than I was. Of course I knew about the mate part but I didn’t know why Thena has a bag packed if she wasn’t coming home with us and why she wouldn’t stay here either.

“Let’s just say that it would make complications if I stayed here. I love these boys too much to cause more issues and I can’t stand the thought of putting strain on you either. I just need to go. War- HE wanted me gone. I can’t do that with your sister being mates with HIS beta.” With that she broke down into tears again.

“You know about Weres?!” Sandy said very loudly.

“Well yeah. She lived with my pack. She’s our family. Unofficially.” I stated.

“I can’t be with you.” It was such a soft whisper that I almost didn’t hear it. But it was my mate.

I looked to her and seen her light brown eyes with tears in them. “What baby? Please say that you don’t just say that.” I pleaded with her.

“I won’t be with someone who drove away my friend. You guys broke her.” She was holding back her own tears.

My heart feels like it was being torn out of my chest and shards of glass were being hammered into it. The pain was so much that I fell to the floor onto my knees clutching my chest. She looked at me in shock and pain but she couldn’t move.

Oakley just stood there frozen not knowing what to do or what was happening. He looked scared. Hell I’m scared.


Found my laptop in my mom's stuff. Got a quick chapter up. I'll do more when I can but I work a lot so It wont be as often as I like. Let me know what you think. I am thinking of changing the title cause Im going in a little different direction of what I was thinking at first. The names of Athena and Warric mean power and wisom but I think that i want something else. Any Ideas? Thank you for sticking with me. xoxo

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