PaW Cleaning the Kitchen

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Sorry for the long wait... Ive been having a LOT of problems with computers and Internet. This is not the whole chapter (I wrote it all out in a notebook) but I wanted to give you something to read. So thank you for all who enjoy my book. I would love feedback or any ideas of what you would like to see happen. Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas... And I will take you to taco boy Kayla in 713 days (or this summer) and good luck with those contractions :( feel better

Night everyone I gotta go get my Jump WOOO HOOO :)


First thing first, the food needs to be put away. Well after I clean everything out. So putting on my new hello kitty cleaning gloves, because Im just cool like that... I decided to tackle the freezer first.

Opening the door all I found was ice, a box of freezer burnt ham and cheese hot pockets, and a hand full of Popsicles that leaked all over the bottom in a sticky mess. Well that will be so very fun to clean. Better get out the big guns for that mess! Seek and destroy the stickies! Charge - Attack!!

Everything could be thrown away because nothing was worth saving except the ice trays that I put onto the pile in the sink. After the freezer was squeaky clean and smelled all lemony fresh, I put all the frozen food away and got ready to start on the fridge.

Inside the fridge I wasn't surprised to see the contents. A half gallon of milk that was expired 3 weeks ago, that went to the trash... Yea, DISGUSTING right! Also there was a jar of pickles, a few condiments, and a box of rock hard leftover pizza. Every other shelf was covered in cans of soda.

I scrubbed out the fridge to my satisfaction and put all the food away. Well minus MOST of the soda. Moving on to the food cupboards... They weren't too bad. Just needed a quick swipe with a disinfectant. The only food to be found in them was snack cakes, 10 bags of chips, and more soda. How are these boys not fat!?

"Real healthy boys. The cavity bugs are going to come out and eat your teeth out of your heads. Note to self: Get all boys a dentist appointment for a nice good scrubbing" I muttered to myself.

Now that all the food was put away I can get everything else cleaned and sanitized. First a quick stop at my car for my I pod and matching speakers. I'm not going to wear the stupid ear buds while cleaning because they always fall out of my little ears like a greased sling shot... so they are pointless for me. But cleaning and music go very well together. Keeps your mind busy and hands in a steady pace so the speakers are a must.

Pushing stuff out of the way to make space for my things on the counter, I put it on shuffle and the song Sleazy by Ke$ha came on. I have everything from Nelly to Marilyn Manson and a ton of songs in between. Yea don't judge... I know I'm awesome.

Since the bag in the trash can was already overflowing and smelled like it had been there for weeks, I took it out and set it by the front door and grabbed my other bag with the refrigerator trash. So dancing around the kitchen singing and dancing to Ke$ha I put all the trash that I found on the counters and floor into my bag. Once it was full and there was no more trash in sight I set that bag by the door next to the other one.

Walking back to the kitchen I decided to tackle the mountains of dishes. The sink was full to overflowing and the counters were piled high as well. I opened the dishwasher to find it had never been used and that they probably didn't even know what it was since I found a baseball hat and a shoe.

"Really boys? One shoe?! " I mumbled to myself.

After scrubbing the ones in the sink by hand and placing them in the dishwasher for a sanitizing bath I washed the ones on the counter and left them in the sink for their turn to be sanitized... yuck germs...

Next I got my cleaner and scrubby pad out to do the counters, stove, outside of the cabinets, and the bottom cupboards. Not surprising, again, there was a brand new- never been opened- box of pots and pans.

Just as I was going to start sweeping the floor a gigantic dog walked into the kitchen.

"EEPP!" I jumped onto the counter pulling my knees up to my chest. He was HUMONGOUS! Im going to call it a he because a she couldn't be that big! I just watched him for a minute to make sure he wasn't going to leap onto the counter and eat me but he just sat there with a big doggie grin, tongue flopping out to the side, and wagging his tail like a mad man.

I climbed down from my position on the counter deciding the worst he might do is lick me to death... that would be a happy way to die right? dog kisses? Or would I drown in dog slobber? That doesnt sound as nice.

Walking up to him cautiously I noticed his head came up to about my chest and his paw was bigger than the palm of my hand! I cautiously reached out my hand and touched his head and he just looked at me.So before I could chicken out I leaned in to hug him. His fur was a shiny charcoal black with white only on his muzzle, around his gorgous grey and blue eyes, and the very tip of his tail.

Once my arms were around him I realized that his fur was even softer than I could have imagined. Like hand spun silk. We stood in the middle of the kitchen for a while with me petting him and scratching behind his ears. He really seemed to like that.

With a lick to my face he pulled away from me and started to jump around the room happily. He grabbed the broom from the floor and started to push it around on the floor.

"You wanna help buddy?" I asked while laughing. I didn't feel like he was going to eat me anymore, he was just an oversized puppy.

As if my I pod knew, the song Ol' Red by Blake Shelton came on. So I grabbed the other broom and used it as my microphone to sing along with the song while sweeping. "And the warden sang- Come on somebody why dont you run- Ol' Red is itchin to have a little fun!" I dropped the broom and grabbed him by the paws to dance with the beast of a dog with him howling along with my singing when Jiro came into the Kitchen.

Uh-Oh his face went from happy smiles to I'M GONNA KILL YOU AND EAT YOUR BRAINS FOR BREAKFAST!!

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