PaW Meeting Jiro

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Trying to find a job in a small town is almost impossible. Especially when you're new to town and nobody knows your business. Yeah, I found out my new town uses their gossip chain as their references. Lucky me... NOT! The town folk aren't used to new people in town. They stare at me like I just gave birth to a flock of purple flamingos. I even sniffed myself yesterday to make sure I didnt stink... I smelled the same as always.

Anyways, it's not like my references would be helpful anyways. I never could keep a job long with my temper. My family used to call me Hurricane Athena and would hide all the breakables in the house. I've been traveling for the past three months on my saved income. Well, saved cash only gets you so far. Now I've got $32 and some change... ooh a button that fell off my sweater last week. So I decided that it was time to settle down and start fresh. Hence the applications.

"Qualifications... Hmm do pig-headed and mouthy count?" I mutter to myself as I fill out what seems like my millionth application sitting on a stool in the local coffee shop. I've been here for hours and my back is stiff. Plus my yummy caramel chocolate espresso has been empty for over an hour. Sigh.

A rumble behind me breaks my concentration and I turn around to stare into blue eyes so clear, I feel like I'm looking up into a cold cloudless winter day. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes braking eye contact letting me think clearly again. He shakes his head as if to clear it, leans in and breathes in deeply, then takes a step back. Was that a sniff? Did he just smell me? WTH... Weirdo.

"Did you just sniff me?" I ask with amusement and my eyebrow rose in a silent challenge as I slip off the back of the stool to create more space. Hey, I might have to run! He could be some crazy cliché 'Guy with the White Van'.

"Uhhh... no." A deep baritone voice answered a little hesitant.

"Then how can I help you?" not changing my expression I ask while crossing my arms over my chest.

A smile spreads across his face showing off his perfect white teeth," A little mouthy Aeh?'

Ugh! What does he want!?! "As I already asked... How. Can. I. Help. You?" Annoyance is now shooting through me making me mad. Deep breath... IN... and slowly OUT... Yeah so far breathing isn't working to calm me down.

"So you're mouthy? Well, How well can you hold your own with a bunch of wild boys?" He asked and I was trying to figure out if he was serious. He took a small step towards me and I immediately took it in a threatening manner.

"Is that a threat?! Are you threatening me?" Yup angry... I'm definitely angry now. Breathing exercises not working... I don't like to be threatened.

His clear winter eyes open in shock and then the smile returns. I notice his thick black eyelashes, thick black arched eyebrows, and thick silky black hair, thick broad shoulders... man he was build like a brick... Yuppers, a very hot brick.

Chuckling he holds his hand out to me and replies "Let's start this over, I'm Jiro. I seen you filling out applications and I might have some work for you. So I guess that I am asking how well you deal with rowdy boys. As in a job cleaning and keeping them in line."

"Athena Celeste" I reply slipping my small hand into his. Wait...Cleaning? Is he serious? WOO HOO YES! I screamed to myself. I am a clean freak... As in I move the refrigerator once a week and sweep and mop under it... Yea I know, crazy... Wait, did he say boys? As in plural? Great... I'm horrible with kids. But cleaning, I sigh longingly. "Umm how many, umm boys?' I ask almost uncertain.

"All together, six. Not including myself." My mouth almost hit the floor in shock... What! Holy mother of leprechauns and unicorns!! SIX boys to take care of! Someone was a little busy in their bedroom. HEHE. I better be paid good for this... real good. Sigh. I really need this job because sleeping in my 1986 Pontiac Fiero is not by any means fun or comfortable. Please pay me enough to get a hotel room and food. Please, please, please I chant quietly in my head mentally crossing all the fingers and toes I have.

"How much will you be paying me to take care of all these boys?"

"Plus clean..." Jiro added.

"Yeah yeah, and clean that's the easy part" I rolled my eyes. "So, to take care of all the boys?"

"Umm..." He pauses. Probably running numbers through his head and figuring the lowest amount he can possibly pay me and get away with it. "How about $1500.00 a week?'

"What!" I scream at him my eyes feel like they are going to fall out with the shock. PoP yep they popped outta my head. $1500 a week! Is he serious! That is like music to my ears, I wouldn't have to worry about anything! Ever!

"$1500.00... is that okay?" He almost sounds nervous. "Is that enough?"

A big grin spreads across my face "It's perfect! Let's go!" I yell and grab his hand and start running out of the Coffee Shop. He laughs full out letting me drag him out onto the sidewalk. I giggle, wow haven't done that in a while. It feels great. "So where to Mr. Jiro?"

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