PaW Without Her

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Jiro POV

The house was quiet. Its been three weeks and still no sign of Thena. Its like she vanished in thin air. When Warric is out of the house, which is a lot, I get on his laptop and search for her. Nothing.

It isn't the same without her. No games are played, no laughter, everyone just does their pack duties and mopes. Even kennard is unusually quiet. Its not his angry silence either. Sometimes when he thinks he is alone I see him looking at the friendship bracelet she made for him when she tried to win him over. He just strokes the braided bracelet looking sad and lost.

Warric is a different story. His short temper is even shorter and everyone avoids him like the plague. When he found out she was gone i thought he was going to tear the house apart.


I was sleeping off exhaustion when the door banged open. "Where the HELL is everyone!" I opened my eyes to see Warric standing in the doorway. It had been 2 days and we were all still trying to find her. Warric hadn't been home so we searched while we knew we could.

Warric growled at the half awake boys sleeping on Thena's bed. It had become the normal to all crash here when we couldn't stay on our feet any longer. "Get up!" everyone was on their feet swaying still half asleep as we awaited his orders. "Why are you all in here? I thought I told you she was to be gone!" Warric snarled at us.

"She is gone." I whispered. I knew he heard me. His hearing was even better than mine.

Warric glanced around the room with a look of panic that he quickly covered up with an angry mask. His lip was raised in a silent snarl as he glared at us. "Good fucking riddance!"

Oakley got up and handed him the letter and the envelope she had left us "here this is for you" I could see the tears in his eyes but he wasn't going to let them fall. He just slipped past Warric with the rest of the boys following.

I knew he was going to question me so I stayed where I was while he opened the note. At first he looked confused but then a flash of heartbreak was in his eyes and gone just as fast covered with another snarl. He opened the envelope and took out the cash and I held out the check to him that he had wrote out for her.

"She left without the damn money?" He accused me.

"She was gone before I could even talk to her and give it to her. She left the rest on her bed." I watched him closely wary of what he would do now that he had all the information.

I was right in watching him, otherwise I wouldn't have seen the lamp that was launched at my head. A vicious growl followed by his shouted words of "Damn straight! Mine!" and with that he was back out the door. I heard things smash as he went through the house.

*End of Flashback*

We all have been doing house work, keeping the house clean... Well trying to keep it clean. If she comes back nobody wants her to turn and run away screaming because all her hard work was sabotaged while she was away.

I was sitting in the living room folding laundry when Garrette runs into the room shouting excitedly. "Guys! Guys! Hurry quick!" there was a huge smile on his face and he was holding his cell in his hand.

Everyone else ran into the room tripping over eachother shouting.

"Whats wrong?"

"Where's the fire?"

"Everything okay?"

Garrette just smiled at us all and waved his phone in the air bouncing like a little boy waiting for a big slice of cake.

"Well?" I stood up leaving the laundry half folded.

"I just got off the phone with the Sheriff over in Possum Trot. He said he might have our girl!"


Possum Trot is an actual town in Kentucky... No I dont live there but I thought it was a great name for a town in the middle of nowhere. the link I found this on is

there are some great names of real towns in the US. Some are a little weird but hey its all good.

I would have wrote more but it took me forever to get this little bit done. My lil one keeps coughing... dang allergies. grr. Oh well I hope you enjoy and I will be back as soon as i can. a couple weeks unless I can get to a computer sooner. xoxo

Next will be Thena's pov... what has she been up to? And why is Warric always gone?

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