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Vaibhav's  P.O.V

I was sitting in the office (in mansion)doing some work when my phone rang showing the caller's I.D as Rahul

I lifted the call just to listen "Mission accomplished sir" with that smirk formed on my face 

Immediately I took my car keys and left my mansion, as it was midnight the roads were deserted. I made my way to the place Rahul had mentioned, he also said that it would take 15-30minutes more for them to reach that place 

when I was about to reach my destination I saw a young lady with her daughter having ice cream, "Weird people, weird tastes" my inner voice mocked, ignoring the I reached the place and parked my car 

Then I noticed someone approaching me, after I felt their presence closely I tied the person's hands tightly. As I guessed who it was, he was the reason for my arrival at that place.

As soon as I started enquiring about the  background, that scumbag didn't utter a word, as my patience  was no more helpful, I took my revolver out seeing that he blabbered a few things but I still had to check whether the information he said was true or not

Soon after I noticed the cars arriving, Rahul got out of the car and asked if he had said anything, I asked him to get that mother fucker into the car 

Seeing my irritation he did as I said . I got into my car.

Rahul took the passenger seat I started the car and when we were about to leave I saw the face of that young lady who came to eat Ice-cream with her  daughter 

I was totally shocked by seeing her face 

Taruni's P.O.V

when we were about to cross the road the guy who threatened the other one came into the  car

I felt completely screwed up but when I saw his face I went  completely blank,the car  passed by but the memories connected with that person started popping into my mind

AHHH.....taruni wth are you even thinking stop it and go to your house stupid(my inner voice said)

For which I came back to my senses and grabbed Riya's  hand again and moved forward 

We reached our sweet house..;I slowly opened the door,Riya followed and we sneaked to my bedroom it's half past 1:00 am 

I made Riya sleep,but my thoughts were still wandering around the person I saw a while ago

                                                            ***End of 2nd chapter***



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