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Taruni's P.O.V:

My sleep got disturbed by the thud of my room's door. I wondered who it was and with that, I got off my bed but my back hurts as hell and then I remembered that it's the 2nd day of my period "My god I'm dead today" I mumbled with a mixture of both frustration and helplessness  

Then I noticed my mom coming inside"Sorry beta, for closing the door fastly" she said with a long face "No worries mamma" I said with that I went into the restroom. when I came out and about to sit on my bed an exclamation "ahhh" came out of my mouth as I got a leg cramp. It hurts me like as if someone is removing my limb, tears left my eyes then I heard my door opening instantly I wiped my tears off and composed myself. As I don't want my family or any others to know that I was in pain not because I was concerned about their feelings but because of my childhood I prefer not to say things about myself to others

Then I saw Riya coming inside I made her sit on my bed and she kissed me on my cheek within the second she came in Then she informed me that everyone was waiting for me to have breakfast but, since I was in no mood to have it I just asked her to say every one to have their breakfast and not to wait for her. with a nod Riya left the room.

And now the abdominal cramps came to say hi! to me "Seriously why is it hurting like hell " I groaned in pain with that I got onto the bed and tried to sleep but no use because of the abdominal cramps, my legs were also paining and it's not favoring to my sleep at all. Since I have anxiety issues I can't even use the painkillers as they effects the hormonal changes.

Vaibhav's P.O.V:

I was in my office checking some random files when I heard a knock and a voice inquiring "May I come in Mr.Rathore". With that I guessed who was on the other side and said "No"." As if I listen to you" saying that Yashwanth came in, he's the only waste I can't get rid of. I thought in my mind. He's been my best friend ever since my school days. "Then why bother asking for the permission??" I asked. with an idiotic grin plastered on his face "Just checking what you would say" he answered."what's the matter, spill the tea " I said seeing his cheerful face "There's a reunion tomorrow" he said "Which one?" I inquired "it's  a  school reunion of course" he answered rolling his eyes "I'll  one day pluck those eyes off I'm saying you" I stated in annoyance "fine baba you can since you're my best friend I'm giving you all the rights but before that promise me that you're attending it tomorrow evening" He said in one breathe " I'll see" I said 

"goodness, he didn't remember" he murmured which would have gone unnoticed if I didn't paid attention "What??" I inquired to which he replied "Nothing, just make yourself busy I'm leaving" With that he left grinning at my face he left. "Something is fishy," I thought and then I got back to my  work 

Taruni's P.O.V:

"It's already the end of the day and look at me struggling with this freaking pain," I said to Samhitha to which she replied "Then marry someone he'll help you stop your periods for 9months, you can be relaxed for some months" with a smirk. To which I replied "Your dark humor is getting darker day by day, by the way, how's your relationship going with Neetesh" I inquired with full of curiosity. But to my surprise "we broke up last night " she  answered soo casually "seriously" I asked "yeah" with the same expression she said

"Didn't you guys got together last week?" I asked with a voice of shock to which she replied "Leave about me let's talk about you "." Me?" I inquired "Mine is not as spicy as yours, mine is a female-oriented film in which I'm a lonely piece" I added. To which she said, "Yeah, a female lead struggling and facing all the battles alone by herself".

"Everyone has their untold struggles, but people like me don't have people to share, or even if we have we don't like to share," I said "No one understands you ever, hope your future hubby will," she said teasing me. When I was about to answer, bhabhi called me for dinner as I didn't have my breakfast and lunch properly.

After having dinner, Sam left. And I went to my room to watch the moon as tomorrow is a full moon day. since I would love to watch the moon in its different phases.

My phone pinged as I opened my phone I saw a message from Sam stating she has gone home. when I was about to play some music I got doubt which made my heart race. I immediately opened my phone and messaged Sam 

"I got a doubt regarding tomorrow's reunion"

"yeah, say me sweetheart" she texted me back

"I fear he might be there at the party tomorrow," I said 

"oh my poor baby don't worry if at all he attends the party then just ignore him and act like you don't even know him" she messaged me

"First say this, are you okay? like you didn't experience any panic attacks recently right? " she added

"yeah dear I'm completely fine but this back pain is freaking the hell out of me"I texted back 

"Just take some rest, ensure me that you will look dashing  tomorrow" she messaged me 

"yeah sure, for Janvi's sake, I'm gonna look pretty" I texted "Fine bye darling I'm sleepy" I added 

"bye bye babe" she texted back and with that, I kept my phone on my bedside table and got onto my bed. Don't know why but my back when touched the smooth surface of my mattress pained as if two people were catching my head and feet and were pulling me in opposite directions. and it hurted like my back was going to break. After getting a comfortable position on my bed. I drifted off to sleep.

                                                                               ***THE  END***



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