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When Vaibhav gestured for a man from the group to take me out I came out with him just to see Yashwanth getting out of the car. He noticed me and came to me with a confused face. I felt a little assured seeing him. After a while Vaibhav reached us I went to the back of Yashwanth, I was afraid of Vaibhav now as I had seen how cruelly he tortured the man. Yashwanth started the conversation by asking"Why did you bring bhabhi here?" to which he replied "It's an emergency" "Then you could've called me" Yashwanth said "I did but you didn't lift the call" Yashwanth realized something said "haha sorry" and awkwardly laughed ." shall we leave?" Vaibhav asked expecting an answer but I didn't respond. He unlocked the car as a gesture conveying me to enter the car, Vaibhav got into the driver seat and Yashwanth was leading his way towards his car when I stopped him and said "Can I also come with you?" to which he made a sorry face and said "Actually Samhitha and I will be having a date today so I'm busy bhabhi" "Why don't you go with Vaibhav?" he added to which I nodded and left  when I opened the back seat door of Vaibhav's car "Do you think I'm a taxi driver?" he asked in a deep voice which sent shiver down my spine, I don't know why though he was speaking normally I'm frightened to be with him.

Then I went to the passenger seat chanting Hanuman Chalisa, I sat in the passenger seat without glancing at Vaibhav's face, and don't know why I suddenly felt sleepy as I hadn't slept properly. I controlled myself a lot to not sleep. I have 2 reasons for doing so, firstly I'm afraid this monster(Vaibhav) would hurt me. Additionally, I have to tell him where to drop me.

{To the non-Hindu readers and the people who didn't understand why she chanted Hanuman Chalisa: In Hindu mythology, it is believed that all the demons and evil powers are afraid of mighty Lord Hanuman and thus it is believed that chanting Hanuman Chalisa will let go all our fears and weaknesses}


I woke up in bed and checked my clothes. When I gazed at the bedside table there was a flower vase adorned with wild flowers carrying a mesmerizing fragrance. I got off the bed with the same hesitation and disbelief about the place where I ended up sleeping. I slowly took the steps when I smelled something good I thought it was a cake the way led me to a spiral staircase the house with full of wood and plants even the stair ends had different kinds of flowering as well as no flowering croton plants. I entered the main hall where the smell of good became stronger and then I noticed someone's presence in the room, my heart raced and sweat beads started to form on my neck seeing the man in front of me "Shit, how come I ended up at this devil's place? sleepy head" I thought internally I just wanted to slap myself for sleeping in the car. And then I decided to grab something  to defend myself,as I was afraid this man would hurt me

But found nothing and to my stupid brain, how can I hurt this tough guy I thought."You woke up?" Vaibhav questioned me seeing that I came to the main hall. Did he think I was dead or something, it's true that I look like an ill panda when I sleep but how can he think I'm dead I thought "Yeah!" I replied hiding my inner feelings. "Don't be afraid of me" He started the conversation. Like just this morning I saw this man torturing the other ruthlessly and now see who's asking me to not be afraid."The man I tortured this morning is a child rapist and the most dangerous child trafficker" he added I looked at him in disbelief and I think he understood what I'm thinking so he has gone out and came in, in a while with a file in his hands. He gave it to me and said"Check this file you'll understand yourself" I took the file hesitantly and checked a few pages of it. And, what he said was true, a wave of peace passed through my body. "Can I ask you something?" I said to which he just nodded 

"Instead of torturing him, you could have handed him to the cops right?" I asked to which he said "A big network was hidden in the dark and I am working on it illegally. If it's handled legally it would take time which will lead to many more children's lives at stake so I started looking into it" he stated."By the way, why did you say I'm the Queen, and that too for your empire?" I asked another question but when he was about to answer something shocking happened

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