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Author's P.O.V:

It was already 11:00 pm all the employees left when the chairperson's cabin door opened. Vaibhav came out of his cabin and made his way towards the basement of his company with his so-called cold face and demeanor when his phone rang, he took his phone out of his coat's pocket and saw the caller ID indicating that it's his father he lifted the call. "why are you not come home beta?" his father questioned him from the other side, to which he replied "I'm on the way papa" in an emotionless tone and ended the call 

Again his phone rang when he was about to keep his phone in his pocket. This time it was Yashwanth. "what's up man" he asked cheerfully "I'm in a rocket to Mars, will you join?" he asked sarcastically. To which Yashwant replied "Not funny at all" he stated, in return "And I didn't mean to joke," he said "Now what's the matter of calling me at this hour?" he added with the same cold voice ."Nothing just checking whether you're asleep or not," he said with a low voice "For that, you could have just texted me, if at all I'm already asleep then your phone would've disturbed my sleep!" he reacted. "look at you, You're being cold and distant to the only person you've who shows concern towards you and your struggles -" Vaibhav interjected Yashwanth by saying "I'm going home and I feel sleepy so bye ". with that he ended the call

he got into his car and drove to his Mansion

                                                                             {look of his mansion}

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                                                                             {look of his mansion}

As he entered the mansion he saw his uncle Bharadwaj, the best friend of his father and the dearest one of Vaibhav. He is the present king of Rajasthan. He greeted Bharadwaj with a warm hug they sat on the sofa in the living room when Anand Singh Rathore, father of Vaibhav was descending the stairs. He came to them and sat on the other sofa. "This is why I have called you to come home beta" Anand started the conversation "Your uncle has been waiting for you to come home from the evening" he added ."I'm sorry uncle, I was deeply engrossed in my work as our company was now working on a new project" he stated to which Bharadwaj said "You became big my son " with tears in his eyes . After a heartful conversation with Vaibhav, Bharadwaj stood up to leave. And said, "Visit us someday your mausa has been missing you".To which he replied," I too have the same idea, how about meeting next weekend at our special spot?"."Deal," he said and left 

As Bharadwaj's figure disappears the smile on Vaibhav's face comes to a halt and he goes to his room. He washed himself up and stood in the balcony admiring the moon. After seeing the moon for ample time he goes into the room opens the drawer and fetches some medicines. he consumes them and grabs a book from his bookshelf and places himself on the bed 

After reading the book for a certain time ;

After numerous trials of sleep, he drifts off to sleep

The clock ticks midnight and taruni's face is wet with beads of sweat. All are peaceful in the hands of slumber, except her experiencing the flashes of her past struggles and hardships.

In an instant she woke up and sat on the bed, her chest moving up and down rapidly, and she took heavy breaths, tears flowing down her cheeks after a considerable time she went to use the restroom and saw the reflection of herself in the mirror, red eyes that carried pain veins puffed out from her neck, messy strands of her hair falling on either side of the face. A reflection carrying the pain and broken stage of hers

After washing her face she came out of the restroom and placed herself on the bed, but her thoughts about her past were not helping and the tears continued to fall from her eyes. She tried to distract herself by reading the romance novels she has, and even those didn't help 

She kept on crying until 3:00 am later she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Whereas Vaibhav, who was peacefully sleeping in his room when he got a call from Rahul. he lifted the call without seeing the caller ID and said "Hello" in his sleepy deep voice. after listening to the voice from the other side he got back to his senses and sat on the bed to listen to the rest of the information. After listening to the information he got off the bed and grabbed his car keys.

He drove to the outskirts of the city. The car stopped in front of an abandoned palace.

"Hemanth, come outside by yourself or else you have to face the consequences which are brutal," he said

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"Hemanth, come outside by yourself or else you have to face the consequences which are brutal," he said. His voice echoed in the palace. But there is no reply from the other side as a result he starts his hunt.

He completed searching the palace and thought he got the wrong information. So he decided to leave when he noticed someone's gaze on him. He turned back to see Hemanth, a man in his twenties carrying a sword in his hand.

In swift motion, he grabbed the sword and now the game changed. Vaibhav cut Hemanth's hand to make him weak. Then he gave a hit on his neck which made him go unconscious. Then he took Hemanth's hand into his and dragged him to his car. He kept him in a baggage and locked him in the trunk of the car. Then he drove to his office, there Rahul and other people who were already waiting took hemanth outside the trunk and took him to the office's basement. Placed him in a chair, treated his cut on the hand, and tied his hands and legs to the chair.

With that, he left the office and reached his mansion and it was already 3:00 am 

He directly made his way towards his room and went to his closet to change,as the blood of hemanth fell on his clothes.He changed and came out of the closet and placed himself on the bed

He changed and came out of the closet and placed himself on the bed

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                                                                                    {His bedroom}

After a couple of thoughts, he slowly drifted off to sleep

                                                                                       THE   END 




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