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After greeting everyone, Satya came to us and took us to our room(Satya a common friend of Samhitha and Taruni). Taruni went to use the restroom

                                                                      {their allotted room}

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                                                                      {their allotted room}

I came out of the restroom with a bathrobe on myself. I took a bath as my body is full of sweat. Then Sam went to have a bath,I was sitting in chair and scrolling my phone with earphones in my ears,listenting to some music.I stood up to fetch water as I felt thirsty,the door of our room flew open and I wondered who it was.


I slowly gone away from all the drama and fetched some water then I saw an old friend of mine,Karthick.He came to and asked how I was doing and all,Yashwanth came in the middle with a sigh and requested Karthick to show our room so that I could rest,since he know that I didn't have sleep because I have things to do yesterday night.

"I'm sorry guys,you must be tired.And you need to be active for the events ahead so have some rest" Karthick suggested. I and Yashwanth shared a look and nodded in affirmation.He said the way to our room.On our way to room we again encountered Janvi,to save me from her he started conversation and distracted her and made a gesture with his hand saying me to leave. I took that as the chance and left.

Since Karthick said us to fetch the keys from the room beside to us, I knocked the door but there is no response from the other side so I just pushed the door but by mistake I put more force than needed so the door of the room flew open


Taruni stood dumbfounded,Vaibhav was about to apologize for opening the door that forcefully but after seeing her face his expression changed to amazement. They stood still for seconds until they got interupted by Samhitha who just got out from the restroom and Yashwanth who was returning to the room.Taruni after realizing the outfit she was in,she immediately took the bedsheet on the bed to cover herself completely and seeing Taruni's spontaneous action he titled his head away from her.

Samhitha's eyes got locked with Yashwanth,but they averted their eyes in an instant.After realising the embarassing movement,both of them understood the situation and Samhitha immediately fetched the keys to their room and gave them to Yashwanth. And both of them left.

After the departure of Yashwanth and Vaibhav, both Samhitha and Taruni sat on the bed in shock" I said to you before itself that he will come here" Taruni started and ended up cursing Samhitha. But suddenly Samhitha burst into laughter that "look how you have met my poor baby, at least you both could've met in another way" The words of Samhitha added  fuel to Taruni's anger, Taruni took the pillow that was on the bed, and gave a hit on Samhitha's head and they both ended up laying on the bed tired of fighting "What should do now?" she said kicking her legs in the air in frustration."Same thing, Ignore,Avoid darling. But for now, just go and wear your dress or else you will end up like before" Samhitha said trying her best to stop her laughter. Taruni got off the bed "Hmph" she said and flipped her hair"The wise only makes mistakes for once not all the time" she added and rolled her eyes "It's for the wise, not you baby!" Samhitha mocked.

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