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After more than 2 years I again looked into those dark brown orbs of him, they never changed; I thought. The look from those hunter eyes pierced my heart. And I could see the affection and pain his eyes held. An unknown peace was found in those eyes. And I don't want to break the eye contact, nor he broke it.

                                                                    (one of his eyes)

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                                                                    (one of his eyes)

Until we realized the looks of the people surrounding us. They made sounds to tease us, and then we composed ourselves. Later, Satya gave instructions about the game we were going to play. It's based on painting, and that's a relief for me because I love painting and it's a favorite hobby of mine. So basically the game was, that the two individuals who were partners had to paint. But for every 10 minutes, they have to change their paintings, and at last, the pair which completes fast and adorably will win the game.


I didn't imagine she would be in my hands after all that happened in our past but now look, I was like an adult holding his baby in his hands while his wife was busy doing things. But truth to be said I love the eyes of hers. Though her eyes are not blue they make me feel like an ocean that drowns me. I want to spend the rest of my life seeing those eyes and pampering her in my hands. Though her make-up was light I felt my world in her eyes. I could feel the warmth of hers yet those eyes are emotioneless.And I made up my mind to bring my old lioness back.


"We have arranged the things needed for the event all you guys need to do is to settle down and check whether you have got everything or not" Satya announced. Everyone sat at their allotted places and checked the things they had got. Three pairs were arranged in a row and 20 such rows were there. Fortunately, Samhitha, Yashwanth's place is just beside Taruni and Vaibhav's place but unfortunately, the other side of them was Janvi and Praveen's place.

"Ready...1....2..3 go!!" Satya yelled with excitement and everyone was looking at their partner's faces, because they had no idea about what to paint except the three pairs: Taruni, Vaibhav; Yashwanth, Samhitha, and Janvi, Praveen. Samhitha was slowly trying to peek at Yashwanth's work but her mission failed as Satya noticed her looking at his work whereas Janvi was cursing Praveen for painting wrongly. Taruni who took the work of Vaibhav understood what he was painting and started to complete the other part and gave some extra details to his painting which made his work much more beautiful. Vaibhav who took Taruni's painting into his hands carefully had no idea about what she was painting so he started highlighting the outlines and made a little patchwork of colors.


All three couples completed their respective works at a time and they were the first. Satya and a few others said that they would keep three glasses in front of each couple painting the remaining pairs after discussing has to place the flower in the glasses and at last which glass would have the most number of flowers that pair would win. Everyone nodded in affirmation. But Janvi was cursing Praveen for doing the work late.

The glasses are placed and everyone has gone to the glasses and placed the flower they received. Satya went forward and counted the number of flowers present in each glass. Since both Taruni and Vaibhav had broad-based following in their school time and their paintings were adorable they won the game. Everyone was excited about the further events except Janvi, as she lost the game and her mission,to be with Vaibhav. Where the four members are happy yet tense about further moments and events.


When Taruni and Vaibhav won the game both Yashwanth and Samhitha came to them smiling. Samhitha gave a hug and said I'm happy that you surpassed her, both the men shared a look, and a gentle smile formed on their faces seeing both of them acting like they had won a war over their enemy. Observing Yashwanth, Vaibhav said "Samhitha is cute, isn't she?" to which his eyes lit up with excitement and he started saying cheesy things until he realized that he was blabbering all the things to the coldest man he had met in his whole life. A smirk formed on Vaibhav's face seeing how Yashwanth was acting like an excited child.

All these things got interrupted when there a group of 8 members came. They were the ones who arranged all the events and invited everyone. All the 4pairs are couples in real life and they were talking about the events ahead. Yashwanth gestured for both Samhitha and Taruni to keep quiet,and both of them just like two obidient students kept quiet talking so that they could hear the conversation between the group of people


person:1: So is everything set for today?

person:2 Are you seriously asking? if we haven't arranged all the things correctly then we'll be hell tired of answering the questions of auntys and uncles

person:3: wait, wait , why should we answer the auntys and uncles isn't it just a reunion and there is nothing to with middle age people right?

person:1:Oh! you don't know right? it's the plan of the parents of our classmates

person: is it? and why would they do that?

Because many of them were not interested in getting married or being in a relationship and their parents were worried about them getting married

person 5: So it's not an ordinary Reunion, is it?

Person:6 and also we have arranged a few games that will increase the interaction between the individuals

person 3 woah! It's a master plan

person 7: and if anyone dares to say these things to others they are going to be a lump of dead meat in my hands

                                    *all the members of the group nod in affirmation*

person 8:let's execute the plan then

With that, everyone goes  away


The clock tower in the middle of the venue showed 1:00 pm 

Satya came forward and announced that since it was lunch time we had arranged all the things for the grand feast. And after having lunch we will be playing games in the main hall inside. Is that okay with everyone? she questioned and everybody remained silent.

Then everyone went inside the dining area and had lunch.

Then everyone went inside the dining area and had lunch

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