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I went to the cabin in the restaurant with my P. A and my finance manager. I waited for 10 minutes for her and I grew impatient to see her and then she came in. I don't know what happened to me but excitement was all over me. But when I saw her and smiled a bit she gave a little smile from which one thing was clear, something was wrong with her. And seeing her demeanor I can say that she was unwell.

She looked pale with her hands injured and eyes with dark circles showing she spent sleepless nights recently. She was under great pressure I thought when she wished me "Good morning sir"

What? Why did she call me sir? Haven't I told her to address me by my name? all my thoughts halted when my P. A went to her gesturing for her to have a seat and she nodded smiling a little.

My finance manager handed her the documents regarding the investment she took them into her hands. Her sadness converted into concentration she was deeply engrossed in reading the document after a while she took a pen out of her bag to sign it when we both shared a look and I gave an assuring look to which she nodded and signed the document once she completed signing she passed me the document with her pen on it.

I took the pen into my hands when my P.A came to me with pen in his hands without noticing the pen in my hands and I showed him the pen to which he nodded and went to his initial position.

I signed it and stood up to shake hands with her but she just smiled and took steps outside before me so I covered it by adjusting my hair.

When we came out of the cabin I said my P. A and finance manager to leave first and when I saw her she stood a few steps ahead of me in her tracks infront of two middle aged men.

When I went near  it was Bharadwaj uncle and I don't know the other one I smiled looking at them both while her expression was in shock.

"Why are you here Taruni?" the other one talked to her and she was in a hesitation to what to answer him while I replied him saying "We were signing documents for her start-up" I said and he nodded  looking at me.

"You know her?" Bharadwaj uncle asked him when he nodded and said "Yeah,you know my wife's brother na," he stopped while uncle nodded and he continued saying "she's his daughter,my daughter-in-law" he said 

"He's my best friend Narayan" uncle said to me to which I barely nodded.Now I understood  why she looked at him that way.After exchanging few words we left.


Bharadwaj and Narayan was sharing the same car when Bharadwaj uttered "I'm thinking of marrying Vaibhav and passing him the throne" to which an idea popped in Narayan's mind and said "We are also seeing someone for Taruni" and Bharadwaj was waiting him to complete the sentence and Narayan did as he expected so he continued by saying "I think they both make a perfect match""I too share the same thoughts buddy" Narayan said.

"Tell me about her,it will be useful when I tell my family about her" Bharadwaj said and to which Narayan started saying "She's our mahalakshmi,but her mother,ignoring the treasure hidden in her house blames the poor kid for everything and her father is not well aware of all these and so her brother who never poke's his nose in family issues.Only her bhabhi supports her which is not worth to establish supermacy" he said wiping his tears

"Did she ever talked back?" Bharadwaj asked looking at him to which he nodded negatinely saying "She don't even utter a word when her mother is arguing leave about talking back that shows her patience and affection she keeps for her mother" he completed."Now say me about your Vaibhav" Narayan asked 

To which "In his childhood his own mother used to point his insecurities and blame him for everything but when he became an adult fed-up with her she started showering her affection on him and his so-called bua saa added him tensions by creating scene for every single thing for which his father will always take his sister's not even acknowledging the complete situation" he said in one breathe.

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