1. The Dark / Lunar Element

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Yellooo! How is everyone these days??

So I'll just make it quick and go straight to the point!

This first ever headcanon series is just all about the context of Boboiboy Dark / Lunar's in my perspective. Remember, his headcanons are made from my opinions, people!

Just in case, Boboiboy Dark / Lunar is a fanmade element that @Shpaace had made from DeviantArt!

There is a list of information about Dark / Lunar's origin, powers, traits and such on their account so check there first if you want to know more about Dark / Lunar.

And also! There are different categories for Dark and Lunar in their list of headcanons so keep that in mind.

Okayyy, so let's start!


[1st Tier — Dark]

1. Compared to Thunderstorm's loud aggressive and violent traits, Dark has rather broody, quiet and eerie traits.
2. He isn't more social towards anyone alike (Thunder as well), and not because he just dislikes people, he HATES being around more than 1 person at a typically short distance for more than 1 second.
3. All in all, you don't want to meet this guy even if you really wanted to. He'd just glare at anyone menacingly when near him until they're forced to leave shortly.
4.  He really doesn't give a thought about what the others think and nor does he even care about anyone at all.
5. Overall, He's just a constant reminder of your sleep paralysis demon that haunts you at every dark corner.

[2nd Tier — Lunar]

1. Lunar became a bit more soft when he evolved into his 2nd tier, he still is a broody, quiet, yet timid person.
2. And actually considers socialising, or naturally talking to people, just for a bit.
3. He opens up to some people eventually, but he hesitates on it alot because he has regrets on a lot of things he's done on his previous tier. (see? Even his own self doesn't like dark either, haha-)
4. He's not insecure, even in his previous tier, he welcomes the fact that he likes certain things that most people would not do.
5. He cares more than he thinks about the others and has been undeniably but simply kind to others. That it scares them as well.


[1st Tier — Dark]

1. At first glance, he seems timid, but when you look closer, his presence only takes the 'silent but deadly' to a WHOLE nother level.
– Like, he'd rather isolate himself just to let other people know that he doesn't want to be approached, talked, and communicate with him in any way.
– That may be the reason why most people would rather ignore and avoid him immediately.

2. The other elements / Kokotiam Gang consider him as a threat, and are greatly cautious whenever he's around.
– Why? Only his somehow menacing aura scares the life out of them.
– And his incredibly harsh and uncaring comments towards them. Yes, he points out their mistakes all the time when in battle in a cold way, similar to what Admiral Tarung does to his cadets when mentoring them.

3. Is it because he's the epitome of the dark element that especially most people are afraid of? Well, yes but also no.
– You see, when the elementals found out that there is a new dark element, they were excited and curious to know and meet him. But then..
– All but Dark does is give them a harsh glare and shrugs them off as nothing but a waste of space and oxygen.

4. Also, perspectives from the top powerful elements:
– Solar wouldn't even try to approach him in the first place and would always avoid him at the right moment.
– He and Thunderstorm would likely start a cold glaring contest whenever they meet, to see whoever loses, just loses inevitably. For some sort of reason.. they both secretly agree with their tense relationship and keeps it that way in a sort of comfortable way.

[2nd Tier — Lunar]

1. His gradual change put the others off, not by his newly coloured purple appearance, but by his personality and more open emotions??
– Like he never really talks before but does now, but only when he's being talked to first and then he will talk like a normal human being but on the more shy side.
– It really scares the others at first, because they were just getting used to the extremely dark side of him and now he's like, a bit different?

2. Everyone eventually comes to terms with his changes in his 2nd tier form and would likely like it that way.
– Yes, because he's a bit nicer but shyer than ever.
– He can be approachable now but it takes quite a long time for him to be close enough for him to consider someone his friend.

3. They noticed him now except for one thing.. his shockingly interests in deep, morally, contexts, and also arson.
– It's more like he still has that side of him with Dark, since Dark was so closed off from anyone, they barely knew about his preferences on certain things.
– When anyone gets to have the chance to be his friend, they'll eventually witness a side of chaos within him as well. Like, casually and openly talking about topics of death, demonic or satanic themes, or just... his existential crisis.

4. Unfortunately, they had to keep an eye on him from now on, because you'll find him doing the most shocking and concerning things that he would ever do.
– Like, raising the dead, sleeping with one eye open, dropping hints on why everything is.. everything, and etc.
– TAPOPS has a kind of emergency alarm just for him.
– Blaze may be the Devil Spawn of Satan, but he is Satan himself. (But not entirely, this is just in a funnier context TT)
– He could be in the Trio TroubleMaker but what do you guys think??


[1st Tier — Dark] and [2nd Tier — Lunar]

1. Quake ; Has a mother and chaotic yet also demonic son relationship in both tiers.

2. Cyclone ; Are in really bad terms at his 1st Tier, Dark, but they eventually make up in his 2nd Tier, Lunar.

3. Thunderstorm ; Previously disliked each other very much and are now on awkward terms.

4. Blaze ; Partners in Crime.

5. Ice ; A comforting and quiet company in both Tiers.

6. Thorn ; Rivals in Crime.

7. Solar ; In deep and tense but also quite confusing relationship, considering they're the opposite elements. (brotherly of course)

8. Metal ; Has a father and chaotic yet demonic son relationship in both tiers.

9. Fang ; Partners in Shadow Training

10. Yaya ; Partners in Bad Cooking

11. Ying ; Annoying Big Sister figure

12. Gopal ; Dark / Lunar likes scaring the life out of him.

Their Origins or how and when they made their appearance will be in the Oneshots Section soon!

Boboiboy Galaxy © Monsta
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