
90 3 4

: Swearing (Censored)
: Gaslighting / Manipulating
: Mentions of Death

Thorn, on the swing: Higher!

Solar, pushing him: I can't, you're gonna fall of–

Thorn: I. Said. F*cking. H i g h e r .

Quake: Ice, what are you doing?

Ice, lying down on the floor: It's a coping mechanism.

Quake: For what?

Ice: Life.

Thunder: ARE YOU–

Metal: F*cking.

Thunder: KIDDING ME?! YOU–

Metal: F*cking.

Thunder: IDIOT.

Solar: ...what was that about?

Metal: Quake banned Thunder from swearing, so I'm helping him out.

Glacier: I made tea.

Supra: I don't want tea.

Glacier: I didn't make it for you. This is my tea.

Supra: So then why did you tell me?

Glacier: It's a conversation starter.

Supra: That's a terrible conversation starter.

Glacier: Well, we're talking, so I beg to differ.

Thorn: Look, Solar, I lost a tooth on mission today!

Thorn: I'm gonna put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy tonight!

*Later on, Thorn looking into the cctv camera in a hidden room*

Thorn: Yes, I know it was wrong to make Solar think I still believe in the tooth fairy, but I'm too deep now to tell him otherwise.

*Camera zooms into Solar placing 50 dollars beside Thorn's pillow*

Cyclone, nervously whispering on the phone: Are you and Metal still coming? Everyone else's parents have already arrived.

Quake, at the other side of the phone: Haha... yeah, about that....

Cyclone: ...Oh no. Don't tell me–

Solar, wearing a fedora, sunglasses and a fake beard: I'm here to pick up Cyclone's report card?

Solar: *pulls down shades and winks at Cyclone*


Cyclone: What's he talking about?

Blaze: Come on Thorn, it was funny–


Sori: Here's some advice.

Gentar: I didn't ask for any.

Sori: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me around.

Gentar: Since when–

Sori: SO DID YOU KNOW THAT- *proceeds to ramble on essays of random facts*

Gentar: Someone kill me

Cyclone: Can I get a waffle?

Quake and Thunderstorm: *fighting and yelling at each other*

Cyclone: Can I  p l e a s e  get a waffle?

Quake: Lunar, what is the ONE thing I asked you NOT to do tonight?

Lunar: Raise the dead.

Quake: And what did you do?

Lunar: Raise the dead.

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