1. The Usual Chaos

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Trigger Warning/s: Slight Swearing

"YOU COOKED MY HENRY!???" Blaze angrily shouts at Solar after finding out how one of his chicken friends went missing.

Solar casts him a deadpanned look. "No, but I used it for an important experiment-"

"YOU DID WHAT!???" Blaze yells at the light manipulator again.

"It was urgent, Blaze. I-" Solar gets cut off again by Blaze throwing a fire ball towards him.


"Oh shi-"


Cyclone giggles quietly as he takes a pic of Thunderstorm wearing a cat headband, and his face has drawn whiskers on both of his cheek.

Thunderstorm was sleeping soundly, not aware of what Cyclone did.


That woke him up.

"Wha- Cyclone!?"

"Yep! I'ma run now-" Cyclone runs away before hearing Thunderstorm yell when he sees his face.


Cyclone nervously looks back while running away.

But when he turns his head around, he sees Thunderstorm right in front of him with a dark look.


Thorn happily hums a lullaby while he digs up a hole.

He drops the shovel and uses his vines to carry the coffin next to him.

Inside the coffin, Ice slept comfortably despite being buried alive.

"This is what you get for destroying my flowers~" Thorn sings happily as he lets down the coffin in the hole with the sleeping Ice inside.

Ice snores as he dreamt about sleeping on the flower beds the other day.

"Come on..." Metal mumbles as he smashes the buttons of the poor console he's using.

Lunar calmly sits as he plays his console. He's currently winning the game, and Metal loses for the hundredth time.


Metal slams his console on the floor, making Lunar jump.

Lunar: "Wha-"

Metal takes the broken console and throws it out the window.



"I don't want to play anymo-" Lunar slowly scoots away.

"I WANT ANOTHER REMATCH!" Metal grabs him before he escapes.

Quake sips on his teacup of suffering once again.

"This is fine."

A large explosion destroys the room behind him.


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