The Slap

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Nikki's POV

Stephanie was talking with us when Kelly just came up to me and slapped me!!!

N: owww wtf
S: Kelly calm down!!
K: how could you do this to me huh?!? go out of story the two of you I mean I had my doubts about you too but this really?!?!?
S: Kelly stop we were just talking about this becouse I made this story line!!! They have nothing to do with each other out of work!!!
K: omg Nicole im soo..
N: save it!!! I cant beleive you would think something like that of me..

I looked at her and slapped her..

R: Wuoo...
S: calm down Nicole in my office now!!!

I walked straight to her office and Kelly was crying..

I walked inside and Stephanie slamed the door closed behind her...

S: wth was that for?!?
N: well didnt you see what she did?!?!?
S: you didnt have tp respond to her actions
N: well she insulted me
S: calm down.. now I will talk to her one on one and tell her what is going on.. I will not stop this storyline kuz look at those reactions you two got... You may go now I will talk to her..
N: thanks Stephanie and also Thanks for this oportunity
S: no problem..

I walked away and saw Randy talking with Kelly and I hid in a corner to listen to the conversation..

R: Idk wth is wrong with you and whatever you are thinking needs to stop!!
K: Ramdy im sorry I just thought..
R: how could you think that I would cheat on you??
K: ...
R: If I wanted to be with Nicole, all I would have to do is break up with you kuz we are not even married..
K: im sorry I just got really jelous and you didnt tell me anything about a storyline with her!!
R: becouse Strphanie told us right before my match started
K: well what about the plane?!?!
R: I told you I was in town and so was she.. we saw eachother at a coffee place and I offered her a ride with me..
K: Im sorry babe...
R: no Lelly we need time and especially you to think of what you are doing...

He walked away and I was amazed.. wow he is such a good liar!!!!! I saw watching Kelly cry when Brie scared me from behind..

B: BOO!!!
N: Damn it Brie shhh!!

B: sorry what are you doing??
N: look..

we saw Kelly crying and she looked back at me and we left..

*normal talk*

B: wow what happened to her??
N: her and Randy are taking a break
B: omg why!?!?
N: kuz she slapped me!!
B: well you did kiss her man and btw that sene was good..hope Bryan is alright
N: I didnt go to hard on him..
B: hope you didnt and how come you didnt tell me about that storyline??
N: Kuz Stephanie had just told us before his match
B: ohh well anyways I cant beleive you got things thrown at you!!!!
N: I know right?!?!? best reaction ive ever gotten and all tha ks to Randy
B: you know you two would make such a cute couple
N: yea..
B: yea too bad he is with Kelly..
N: its all good

She smiled at me then I laughed and she went to catering as I walked to the Diva's Locker room.. I walked in and Kelly was sitting there crying..

N: Kelly..

she came up to me and hugged me..

K: im soo sorry Nicole...
N: its ok And im sorry too
K: it was all my fault I just didnt know it was a storyline
N: Do you really think that I would be stupid enough to go out without a script and then also be backstabbing a friend?!?!?
K: well no..
N: then?!??
K: sorry I was hust dying with jelousy becouse he spends more time with you now than with me..
N: he has just been there for me kuz of the whole John thing..
K: yes ik thats why i feel so stupid..
N: lets just forget everything and YOU forget your little jelousy issues
K: hahaha ok well then now I have to leave kuz I dont want to see him or else I will start crying...
N: ok well have a safe drive!!
K: thanks..

She walked away and all I could do was smirk... how stupid is she... and I camt beleive that imma be able to kiss MY MAN inside the ring as well.. things just keep getting better...

I went outside when I saw Randy standing there waiting for me..

R: hey
N: hey babe

He hugged me and I looked into his eyes smiling..

R: youre not mad at me anymore??
N: no I got over it..
R: good kuz I was starting to get sad

He gave me this eyes and all I could do was laugh and kiss him..

we were making out when Stephanie saw us..we didnt notice till she cleared her throat..

N: Steph omg
R: its not her fault
S: you two come here....


Sorry for not updating but I left a little cliff hanger there like comment vote❤️😁👍🏻☝🏼

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