Future Mrs. Orton

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Randy's POV

I woke up to the sound of Mike's alarm across of me... I looked around and I was still in the same chair as last night.. I got up and looked for Mike but was no where to be seen... I went to take a hot shower and had use the minni shampoo bottles since mine was in my car...

When I got out I heard a familiar voice laughing in the living room.. sounded like Nicole. I opened the door and Nicole was sitting there in a red tight dress with black heels with Spikes...

N: hey baby say hie to Snapchat!!!
R: Nicole really?!? take that off!!

I was in a towel and she was laughing her guts out while I was furious..

R: you really wann play like that?!?
N: what?!? everybody loves seeing you wet in a towel.. you look sexy ahahahaha

She was putting all these videos in her story and I was getting annoyed so she stopped..

N: look how many screen shots you have...
R: funny!!
N: aww cmon!! dont you want people to guess and think how much of a boy you are?!?
R: haha funny!! Dont forget youre the one always asking for sex all the time you horny bitch!!
N: yea kuz you never leave me me satisfied and I have to keep asking for more!! ahahahaha
R: alright then we wont do anything anymore..

I served myself some coffee and went back into the room to change and Nicole followed..

N: hahaha alright but can we talk about last night?
R: yea I wanted to do the same..
N: babe why were ypu with her?
R: why did you kiss John?
N: I already told you and answer my question!!
R: she was just telling me a story they asked her about me on a pod cast she did..
N: You couldve told her no..
R: I couldve..why were you with Dolph then?
N: He was just bothering me on how he wants me back..
R: yea and he smacked your ass!!
N: yea and I was about to slap him but you tgrew yourself at him attacking!!
R: well I didnt like him being with you and that made me really mad..

she came up to me hugging me and pushing me to the bed..

N: you looked cute jelous..
R: you didnt..

She laughed and got on top of  me kissing me..
We made out for about 10 minutes then she got off of me to change..

R: where did Mike go?
M: Mix came for his things and left with Renee and Summer..
R: lucky bastard!!
N: WHAT?!?
R: hahahah just kidding!!! Summer is not so great looking..
N: But Renee is!!
R: she's cute..

She gave me a look and I smiled..

R: you're a total woman though!!
N: Total Diva ahaha
R: ahahah come on..

I grabbed my thing and was about to go to the door when ahe put her hand on my chest and pushed me back...

R: what?
N: I put on a dress and you think you can just walk out in sweats with me?!?
R: omg..
N: yea.. go change!!

I got out some black "tight pants" that werent really tight with black dress shoes, and a red adjusted long sleeve with a black tie..

R: better?

She just gave me a thumbs up and we headed out..

we returned my key and we headed to my car..

R: got everything?
N: yea.. ohh shit wait I left my phone on the counter top!!!
R: alright hurry

She got off the car and went inside.. while she was in there, I was moving the car to get her up front... when she came out, she was about to open the door but I would move the car a little forward..

N: Randy.. STOP!!
R: AHAHA ok ok..


N: RANDY!!!!


R: Ahahahahaha ok babe..


R: ok there ill stop look..

I turned off the car and let her in.. Once she got in she started smacking my shoulder hard..

R: AHAHAHA!! I love you!!! give me kiss..
N: no fuck off..
R: ahaha come on...
N: get away...

I laughed at her and turned up the radio as we headed to the freeway... the whole car ride was silent kuz she didnt wanna talk to me... we were gonna stop to eat somewhere but left our things in the arena since we were there early...

I got off and took our things out..
When I opened her door she got up, adjusted her dress and the  suddenly kicked me on my groin....
She got her things and left running..

R: Nic..Nicole!!!
N: hahahaha.. dumbass!!! Thats to teach you to not mess with me!!!!

I was on the floor when Renee came up to me..

RY: you need help?!?
R: No no..
RY: you sure haha you seem...hurt..
R: im fine thanks..

I got up trying to not shiw my pain and her trying not to laugh..

R: whats aoo funny!!!
RY: no nothing..
R: yea right...

I got my things and began limping in kuz of the pain and Renee cracking up in the back..

RY: im sorry Randy wait!!! ahahahah I love you friends ahahahahah!!!
R: fuck you Renee!!!!

I went in and there was Nicole laughing her ass off with Brie and Nattie...

R: just wait...
N: hahaha sorry baby..
R: ill get you back..
Nat: what are you two doing here anyways arent you both suspended?
R: YEA!!! Stubborn here said she needed to come in..
N: well I do.. Im just waiting for Steph now leave!!

I gave her a look and pointed at her the  left to the men's locker room..

M: what are you doing here?
R: Nicole needed to come..
M: ohh
R: yea now I gotta go I just came to leave this here..
M: where are you going?
R: the women's locker room.. come and cover for me!!
M: I dont think soo..
R: come on!!!

( After the show)

Nikki's POV

I went to go grab my things kuz I was leaving with Brie when all of a sudden I see everything everywhere..

N: wth?!?! my stuff!!!
B: ahaha omg!!!
N: what happenes to my bag!!
B: Nikki?...
N: yea...

she pointed behing me and my Louis Vuitton luggage was all torn with no wheels and spray painted...

I didnt say a word...

B: Nicole?....
B: Nic.. Nikki?...
N: AHHHH RANDY!!!!!!!!!

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