Bella Trouble part 3

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Nikki's POV

I saw John and went to say hie to him... I havent talked to him in a while and it would be nice to catch up..

N: hey big guy!!
J: hey Nicole, long time no talk..
N: yea I know im sorry, ive just been busy..
J: how are you and Randy doing, havent talked to him either..
N: Tbh I cant lie to you but its bad
J: how?
N: well not bad but like we got into a fight and im just trying to avoid him.. I am looking for Brie but I cant find her!!
J: ohh Brie left with Alicia Fox they had an emergency that Stephanie sent them too in Connetticut
N: WHAT?!? How could she leave with Foxy?!?
J: about 10 minutes ago actually
N: omg!!
J: dont worry if its a driving partener that you're looking can drive with me if youd like.. im staying in a hotel tonight..
N: wow driving partner haha?
J: yea!!
N: then I need someone to go return my car
J: dont worry I got that for you.. lets look for a hotel too
N:ok sure.. just not the one near here kuz Randy is staying there tonight..
J: It was really that bad?
N: you have NO IDEA!!

He seemed kinda happy once I told him that but he knows that even afeter what happened I still love Randy..

I gave him a quick hug then said bie kuz I had to go and get ready

Randy's POV

I was in my hotel room thinking about Nikki.. I dont know why she got mad I mean I havent done anything bad other than that stupid bet we did.. I feel horrible.. Im scared to loose her kuz it seemed pretty serious.. I was gonna text her but saw that I had an open message from Sasha that I didnt open..

I quickly called Nicole kuz I now knew what was wrong.. I just sent that to clear things up and now Nicole saw what I said!!!!

I called her but It kept sending me to voicemail.. My segment didnt start till two more hours but I rushed to the arena anyway to look for her..

(2 hours later)

Nikki's POV
So Randy has been trying to talk but I really dont wanna listen to him.. I kept quiet while stretching then grabbed his hand as our music hit and we went to go do our segment..

when we were done I did a small jog to the locker room and took a quick shower.. I didnt even do my hair I just got it into a ponytail then got my things and got them onto John's locker room..

J: ready?
N: yea lets go!!

He gave me a smile then grabbed my bags as we walked out.. We bumped into Randy at the parking lot and he tried to talk to me but I just ignored him and flipped him off..

John looked at me with a surprised face and then opened the door to his car for me while he went and put our stuff im the back..

Randy's POV

What is she doing with him!?!?!? Thats supposed to be us not him with her!!!

R: John whats going on?!?!?
J: nothing she just asked for a ride
R: we are still together you know
J: well it doesnt seem that way but dont worry I mean you are my friend and so is she and im actually just being there for her as a FRIEND.. I know she has someone that loves her just as much as me
R: watch what you do John kuz our friendship is on the line here if you cross it!!

with that I left and just just stood there..

Nikki's POV

I saw Randy leave furious and I found it kinda funny.. John came in and sighed

N: so what happened out there?
J: nothing
N: and what happened to your bus?
J: ohh its getting fixed
N: ohh kuz its weird seeing you drive hahaha
J: yea I havent done this in a while tbh..
N: what carpool?
J: yea
N: oh wow hahaha
J: dont laugh haha

We drove off and got to a hotel outside of town.. it seemed very elegant and expensive

N: John I think this hotel is too much
J: no its fine.. The queen needs the best there is
N: hahaha funny!! But no seriously!
J: its fine cmon

He grabbed my hand and we went inside to check in..

J: two rooms please!!
N: if they can be next to each other even better..

once I said that John gave me a smile and I couldnt help but smile too kuz of his cute dimples..
Its not that I wanna do something with him, I just want to hang out but to lazy to walk far hahaha especially if we hanged out pretty late..

We got our room keys and John went back outside to get our bags, I opened the door for him and helped him out with my things.. we got on the elevator and there was an awkward silence...

J: soo..
N: no dont make it awkward!! hahahha
J: sorry then haha

We opened my hotel room and put my things in.. I took off my jacket and let my hair loose and you could smell the fragrence of ny shampoo

J: hey your hair smells really good, fo you still have some of that shampoo?
N: youdont even have hair!!
J: true hahaha

I punched his shoulder and got into a minni wrestling postion..

J: what you wanna lose a fight right here?
N: ohh please!!

we quickly grabbled and he obviously got the upper hand

J: told you..
N: shut up!!!

We talked all bight about what happened between us and and then me and Randy and how that came to be.. He seemed down a bit but still wanted to know..

(next morning)

We both ended uo falling asleep into the minni living room..what a waste of money on an extra hotel room...

John woke up first then woke me up..

J: hey im heading to the gym. you coming?
N: yea let me just got to my room and get ready give me 10 minutes..
J: ok.

I put on a blue shirt and some black yoga pants and put on some shoes and got my hat.. I quickly brushed my teeth then headed out..

We went downstairs to the hotel gyn and it was empty, like 2 people only..

N: wow no one likes to work out in the morning hahaha
J: well I mean its like 6:00 am I am pretty sure everyones asleep..

We began to stretch first and after that he went to pick up waits and I went to do some cardio..

after a while we sat down and just talked for a bit when things started to get weird..

J: Nicole you look gorgeous
N: on gym clothes?
J: even in gym clothes haha.. I really hope that you and I can get back together, I really do miss you and love you..

He looked at me and cupped my face and went in for a kiss...


Hears a chapter FINALLY!! jaja sorry guys ive just had writters block and this is the best I could do, plus ive been reallly stressed kuz my foot is still broken simce Novemeber and I finnally got my cast taken off!!!😅😌 I got a big boot to walk on but its better jajaja well anyways enjoy!!

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