Bella Trouble Part 2

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Nikki's POV

I slapped Randy and he quickly let go of me confused...

N: Take me to a car rental RIGHT NOW!!
R: Nicole whats wrong?!?!?
N: Just take me!!!!

I was sobbing and he quickly told the bus driver to stop at a car rental..

We werent far away from one and I locked myself in the room while we got there.. I put some clothes on and dried my hair and got my bag and luggage..

R: Babe, we're here.. please open up!

I opened the door and grabbed my things pushing him away..

R: Nicole whats wrong?!? What did I do?!?

I got off and said bie to the bus driver.. I cleaned my face and went inside the building..

CR: hie how may I help you?
N: can I get a car.. big enough for 6 people please
CR: come with me ma'am and choose.
N: ok thank you!!

I chose my car and filled out the paper work and paid for it.. Once I put my bags in, I got in it and sobbed out!!! I cried and cried for a while and I could see Randy's Bus parked from a distance

I called Brie and told her what happened and she was mostly mad at me than Randy..

B: Nicole I feel bad for you and I teally am mad at Ramdy but this is all on YOU!!
N: Why me?!?
B: kuz of your stupid game.. This was all YOUR idea
N: Brie you are supposed to be here for me not judge me!! But ik and I will apoligize to Seth and all
B: and Sasha too..
N: No that Bitch it trying to take my man away from me..
B: you pushed him to her and her to him.. but look dont worry just get here to town and we will talk and all.. have a sister bonding time and all..

It felt really nice talking to my sister even tho she doesnt always stay on my side kuz she knows me and knows how to make me feel strong and ok..

N: Will there be whine?!?
B: Omg yes Nicole..
N: ok ill see you there then..
B: you are such a pain in the ass Nicole!!
N: Brianna stop!!! I feel horrible!!
B: ok im sorry
N: BIE!!
B: bie

I hung up and began to drive with Randy's obvious bus behind me a few car back I drove a bit faster and kinda lost him kuz he got a few red light while they all went green on me.. It felt like if god was Team Nikki for the day lol..

Once I got to the arena I got my things and went inside looking for Brie but instead got caught up with John..


ok so I didnt really update all day kuz I have all these things going on.. sorry😣 but I hope you enjoy this minni chapter and dont forget to comment and vote

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