"Tea Mode"

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Nikki's POV

I stayed over at Natties hotel room and I found out Brie and Paige went out last night.. those two together are soo much trouble!!!!! especially Brie ku she has drinking problems...
I woke up and checked my Instagram.....Eva kept posting photos of her and Randy... it was starting to get in my nerves kuz we all know she is just doing it to bother me...

Nattie: whats wrong Nicole.

I showed her the picture with an annoyed face...

Nattie: Nicole you cant let them get to you..
Nikki: well ik but its just soo hard..
Nattie: well if its soo hard just be with him then!!
Nikki: id love to but I cant be with him when i dont trust him!!!
Nattie: well when we get back I mean
Nikki: you really think that we are gonna have a chance again?!??
Nattie: well if you guys love each other than yes...

I looked at my ohone once more and thought about wjat Nattie told me....

(later on that night)


I was getting ready to go to a tea party with Paige..Paige and I are like best friends.. when Nicole isnt around im usually with Paige and she will be with Nattie.. i think its a good way for all of us to not get bored of each other...

I was putting on some heels when the doorbell rang..

B: yea hold on just a moment..
P: look I brought us these hats
B: omg Paige that is halarious!!!
P: we gotta have the full experience

we left and went to a tea place and when we went inside it was full of old people-.-
We sat down on the table they gave us and gave us a tea menu!!!! I never thought they made tea menus but they did and I was using one...

P: ohh look we should take this tea it calms you dowm.. hahaha we need it

she showed me the tea and we decided to order it..

when we tastes it it wa soo nasty and I couldnt take it...

P: wow this is really bad
B: yea I know!!
P: lets get outta here

with that we left and Paige convinced me to go out for a few drinks

(two hours later)

P: omg Brie calm down

Paige's POV

Brie was outta control!!! She was in top of tables and jumping from table to table!!
I didnt know what to do but laugh..

B: cmon Paige!!!

I went with her and we started dancing on a table and everybody was looking at us...
we were dancing when all of a sudden you see Brie fall off the table and her heel is broken..

P: HAHAHA OMG Brie are you ok?!?!?
B: owwwww..
P: HAHA!!!!!!
waiter: ma'am are you ok??
P: ahhh shes fine

she tried to get up and threw up on the waiter...

P: woops well thats my best friend for ya!!
waiter:: ahh omg you gals have to leave
P: ahh cmon we bearly started!!!
B: sorry

Brie felt soo bad she started crying and I was laughing while the waiter was furious trying not to lose it in there..

P: ok dude we will leave.. thanks for having us..

I got off the table and picked up Brie and called a taxi...

the taxi arrived and we were like 10 minutes from our room but Brie threw up on the cab and the cab threw us out...
it was super late and there was no cabs anymore....

I had no choice to call Nicole..

N: hello??
N: what Paige its like 2am im asleep..
P: well yea but we need you to pick us up...

Right after I said that i heard a big car crash and tires squeeking on the floor..

N: PAIGE??....

A/N we will leave it here☺️

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